Pill Report: Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse


Posted by
March 24, 2006
Date Submitted
Just tested this one, Word on the street is its a shitty pill.
Test showed it wasnt mdma.

Marquis went orange and mandelin went greeny.

Both results happened slowly so i spose that means that its low dosage.
Mickey Mouse Head
Suspected Contents
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent


misspiggy (member since March 7, 2006)

These pills are crap. I put in a report on them a few weeks ago but it didn't show up. Got nothing from them.... bout as much of a wizz as you'd get from half a No-Doz and definately no MDMA.

March 29, 2006, 8:38 am GMT

shelleybabes (member since July 14, 2008)

we just doubled drop 2 of these there the new ones so we will comment when we feel it

December 29, 2008, 12:39 pm GMT

xtrmshit (member since January 16, 2009)

Any word on these new ones? getting some soon...

January 16, 2009, 2:10 am GMT

scoobymoo (member since January 1, 2009)

just bought 5 Mickey Mouses but slightly different logo, actually he looks more like a punk with 3 strands of spiked hair!! Let u know how i go in a few days.

January 27, 2009, 12:34 pm GMT

choofer (member since February 4, 2009)

Had these New years dropped 7 of them FUCKING SHIT! No Effect what so ever, had like 4 more Karki/Green coloured smiley faces, they picked my depressing night back up before the count down.

February 4, 2009, 1:46 am GMT

choofer (member since February 4, 2009)

They have a quarter press on the other side as well hey?

February 4, 2009, 1:47 am GMT

nusnse (member since November 14, 2008)

I have some of these and they have white speckles with some brown,red and yellow flecksin them. and yea have a quarter press on the back. they appear pretty waxy lookin to me and poorly pressed and crumbly. havent dropped any yet but hope they're not as shit as it sounds!

February 7, 2009, 10:34 am GMT

niiplz (member since August 13, 2009)

had one in a club in melbournee,
i was told they where the newest micky mouse pills,
weather its the same or not idk,
didnt really look at it,
cant complain with the melbourne one!

August 13, 2009, 5:30 am GMT

cleandog (member since June 5, 2009)

Got on red mice on the gold coast last night and was BS off chops, chatty as, rocking back and forward, loving the D floor. Only needed 3 (usually 4/5 a night) and kept me going from 9pm when i dropped as predrinks till around 3am. Great pill. Better than it's white mouse brother!

August 22, 2009, 12:38 am GMT