Pill Report: Green Mickey Mouse
Green Mickey Mouse

California 626

Posted by
November 19, 2012
Date Submitted
Dark-green specks. Chalky and bitter taste. Crumbles easily.
Last Update
November 21, 2012
Micky mouse
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
User Report

Ex-room mate came up to visit me from Sand Diego. We just wanted to hang out and enjoy each others company. Took half a pill each...

1:05PM chewed ½ pill on empty stomach

1:45PM starting to feel generally stimulated. slow onset. can be distracted by other things from feeling its effects (e.g. TV or conversation).

2:04PM Definitely working. Just talking about things that are usually hard to talk about.

2:45PM Effects starting to diminish.

7:00PM Feel completely sober. Not too sluggish.

Note: very mild euphoria lasting about 15 minutes at peak, no temperature increase. Very slight heart rate increase (initially). No eye jitters. No jaw clenching. No aches or pains. Just slightly talkative and calm. Affectionate. I have over a years abstinence from this so I should have a low tolerance. A full pill per person would have been a more appropriate dose for users looking to benefit therapeutically.


xxpunkrosexx (member since February 8, 2012)

Did you test this by any chance? ;o

November 19, 2012, 4:31 am GMT

premeducla (member since April 17, 2012)

Sorry to say, but these are confirmed dirty :/


November 19, 2012, 4:44 am GMT

tesk69 (member since August 18, 2011)

i wouldn't necessarily call these dirty. 1:1 is a pretty enjoyable ratio. anything with more meth then mdma would be considered dirty, or at least in my opinion.

November 19, 2012, 5:27 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

Most likely an even ratio of mdma and meth. Honestly even if you had abstained for 2 years these wouldn't have much of a rolling effect. I honestly feel that the majority of your talkativness an effects came from the meth. Try taking a full next time after a few weeks break and prove us wrong about them having meth lol.

November 19, 2012, 5:40 am GMT

unfuckwitable (member since December 14, 2011)

thanks for your report. have you considered purchasing a test kit? they are extremely helpful in determining the contents of your pill (and/or powder). you can purchase the marquis, which is the most crucial to own when purchasing pills for consumption - but the entire reagent kit is most helpful, definitive, safe & just generally wise.

find it here:

QUOTE tesk69:
"i wouldn't necessarily call these dirty"

they contain METH - any pill containing amphetamine is adulterated and thus not clean. i wouldn't say they're quite filthy - but only an MDxx-only pill could be considered "clean". a one-to-one ratio is not a very good look. unless you double-dropped, which may be considered dangerous due to tbe speed contained, these beans would not have you rolling good @ all.

November 19, 2012, 8:22 am GMT

folley (member since April 26, 2011)

"i wouldn't necessarily call these dirty. 1:1 is a pretty enjoyable ratio. anything with more meth then mdma would be considered dirty, or at least in my opinion."

You serious? Meth is like 3 times stronger than MDMA, so if the amount of meth is the same as the amount of MDMA, the speed effects will be much stronger.

A 1:1 ratio would be NASTY AS HELL. The only way speed is ever good with MDMA is when it's like 5-10mg... not 30mg of meth with 30mg of MDMA, that's would be a fucking horrible roll... actually, I couldn't even call that a roll at all.

November 19, 2012, 5:11 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

^^true true, the active oral dose of meth is much smaller than an active oral dose of mdma, so since there are equal parts meth and mdma in these mickeys, the meth dose is probably active and the mdma dose is below active(most likely). like this--> 30mg meth(good dose) and 30mg mdma(very low dose), or 50mg meth(huge dose) and 50mg mdma(barely active dose). theres just no way that a 1:1 ratio of these two chemicals can produce what most of us are looking for. the meth would be overpowering to most of us. regardless, im SURE these pills are still enjoyable in their own way, there hasnt been many complaints on PR or BL, so even with a 1:1 ratio i wouldnt call these "meth-bombs". cali needs some pressers that lay off the speed altogether, sheesh already

November 19, 2012, 5:47 pm GMT

unreal87 (member since May 27, 2009)

there is way too much speculation going on here. i did not use the test kit. what I posted are the facts of my experience. nothing more.

November 20, 2012, 2:41 am GMT

lantoux626 (member since October 25, 2012)

these have no mdma ! all meth ewwwwww.

November 20, 2012, 6:52 am GMT

drganja (member since June 18, 2011)

I can get mdma cheaper than meth. Why not just put mdma in them when meth isnt even cheaper!

November 20, 2012, 6:53 am GMT

positiv3plur (member since April 30, 2012)

these need a warning

November 20, 2012, 7:27 am GMT

jimsteele (member since January 16, 2011)

Why all the thumbs down? OP took half a pill and reported the effects. At such a low dose, it is tough to feel the negative effects of even the methiest of "meth bombs." Tough crowd.

November 20, 2012, 2:25 pm GMT

x x x (member since September 17, 2012)

Yes, thumb up report. Why thumb Down to op?

Your ecstasydata only uses maybe 10mg scraping of pill for test, not test whole pill like a test centre in Europe

Could be one scrape of pill is mdma ,and another scrape mdma and meth.

User reports and or test kits are almost better than ecstasydata tests

November 20, 2012, 5:52 pm GMT

x x x (member since September 17, 2012)

Op is right. Too much speculation

Take report for what it is

Take ecstasydata results also for what they are

Based on user report the timeline follows that of mdma more than meth. Meth is likely effect felt much longer than mdma.

I would not eat these no. But you all very dramatic reaction and speculation to much unknown to you. That is not harm reduction. That is the sky falling and chicken running around with head cut off ;-)~

November 20, 2012, 6:39 pm GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

I still thumbs uped the report. i was merely suggesting that this pill prolly contains meth as well as mdma and seeming as the user didn't consume enough to really be able to tell (only consumed half a pill) i recomended he try a full pill next time. I still think this is a worthy report and thank you op for posting.

November 20, 2012, 7:54 pm GMT

rollnpeace (Moderator)

Although many people like a little amp in their pills, unfortunately these are adulterated so I have to add a warning and change suspected contents. Thanks for the report though!

November 21, 2012, 12:00 am GMT

folley (member since April 26, 2011)

" would not eat these no. But you all very dramatic reaction and speculation to much unknown to you. That is not harm reduction. That is the sky falling and chicken running around with head cut off ;-)~"

.... what are you even talking about dude?

These pills have been LAB TESTED, multiple times, to contain high amounts of methamphetamine. The OP only took HALF a pill that you would need to double/triple drop to even get high from.

This report is next to useless really. You can't tell the effects of a pill from half, and with only a small dose of methamphetamine and a small dose of MDMA, the report sounds exactly like it would with a meth bomb.

"1:45PM starting to feel generally stimulated. slow onset. can be distracted by other things from feeling its effects (e.g. TV or conversation)."

Classic amphetamine.

These pills are highly adulterated with METHAMPHETAMINE, and I recommend no one takes them.

November 21, 2012, 6:58 pm GMT

x x x (member since September 17, 2012)

Foley, statistics class be good for you.

Understand you can not know it is highly adulterated from one lab test. Especially for same that the lab test done on the pill was not the entire pil, it was done on a small portion of the pill

Ecstasydata.org is useful and great, but of this pill they will tell you admittedly they use only small part of pill in test, not entire contents. Makes test very unreliable. Even reliable it would be only one pill, not relevant statistic

You understand that I hope. Not argue with you, just explain

November 22, 2012, 11:15 am GMT

bongzilla (member since July 18, 2009)

^ you sir sound like a public relations rep for the meth cooking cartel pressers.

not to argue with you, just explaining we do NOT want ANY meth in our pills.

November 22, 2012, 6:23 pm GMT

x x x (member since September 17, 2012)

Bongz i am agree that no meth in a pill is best. This is not my argument. My view is read user report for point one and then understand the unreliable results from ecstasydata two.

To have an emotional fit over nasty drug in a pill with mdma I understand. Some things are said in this thread that cannot be made true with fact. That pill had meth is true but what ratio of single pill cannot be determined unless whole pill tested. if pill has high amounts can't be determined from what you have here and results of ecstasydata. Contrary too is the user reports reactions of low meth from timeline.

Speculation and exageration is dangerous and first many posts are that.

I try not to take offense but calling me a supporter of meth is unfounded. Twice now I denounce it here. Perhaps you read again and understand what I say more clearly. I would not want to think you are a rival dealer of these pills in America and just post facts that are not true to drive your sales.

Arguments with people in America are rarely of good. Many times you want a right and a wrong instead of discussin with understanding. Open mind and understanding of facts and looking at the facts only will help you understand what I say. Much now I have repeat saying

November 22, 2012, 6:48 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

^alot is probably lost in translation here from dutch-->english... all xxx meant was that since the entire pill wasnt tested, its not definitely a 1:1 ratio of meth:mdma. IF the whole pill was tested, the ratio may have been different, like 4:3 or 5:3, etc. but imho, all of this doesnt matter, these pills contain a decent amount of speed, which means ADULTERATED. which for most ppl also means AVOID. consumers want clean pills with an active dose of mdxx, not a tiny dose of mdxx + amp to boost it.

November 22, 2012, 10:20 pm GMT

iloveyouforever (member since April 28, 2012)

america is a mess.

wtf are these idiots pressing? such a waste of good pressing machines, e stamps/logos

if the ratio in tablet cocktails is

9:1 or 8:2 mdma/binder

there won't be complications or bad experiences


November 22, 2012, 10:39 pm GMT

folley (member since April 26, 2011)


1.5/1 METH/MDMA and 1/1 METH/MDMA

If you knew how pills were made, you would know that it doesn't matter how much of the pill is used to test, you would still get the same ratios.

When they make pills they put all the ingredients and binders into a mixer until they are thoroughly homogenized. If this wasn't done there would be no accurate way to dose pills, and you would have some with 300mg of meth and some with no active product in them at all.

To try and argue that these pills don't have a high amount of meth is a rather moot point

November 22, 2012, 11:11 pm GMT

weetvanwanten (member since August 17, 2009)

x x x = Dutch? O_O

November 23, 2012, 12:55 am GMT

unreal87 (member since May 27, 2009)

So I'm the one allegedly taking methbombs but you guys are the ones being nasty to each other. What ever happened to PLUR??

November 23, 2012, 4:25 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

^^^^ fair enough unreal87 lol. unfortunatly this site tends to incite arguments at a much more frequent rate then before.

November 23, 2012, 4:42 am GMT

aquanos3 (member since December 18, 2010)

hahahaha unreal you have a point. i've had rather great experiences with a little bit of amp in my pills (orange crowns aka L.A Kings from 2 years ago) were the best pill i've ever ate in my life in terms of my personality was ON FIRE, in a good sense.
i made everyone laugh and picked up many bitches, like a pimp, i miss illz like that, i want to migrate to europe man

November 23, 2012, 3:43 pm GMT

vickslobotomy (member since December 18, 2011)

europe isnt that clean either, there are shitty illz everywhere mate! this is the outcome when good pressing machines are in the hands of greedy idiots.

November 23, 2012, 7:27 pm GMT

rollnpeace (Moderator)

No more jibber jabber. These pills contain meth, doesn't matter how much, the fact still remains that these pills are adulterated. Please, no more arguing about ratios and whatnot...if you enjoy some amp in your rolls, these pills are up your alley, if you don't, avoid like the plague...simple as that.

November 23, 2012, 8:16 pm GMT