Pill Report: Blue bugatti
Blue Bugatti

Central florida

Posted by
October 13, 2014
Date Submitted
Nice press. Smells good. Hard to break.
Last Update
October 13, 2014
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Went to a dubstep show. My friend and I drop before leaving the parking lot. Get around to find a slow long line and police searching people. I am sketched due to the volume of love I have on person.

0:00 drop pill
0:30 waiting in line and hearing starts to change. We are 100 people back from getting in and I know I am going to be peaking as I get to security.
0:45 coming up... still in line :-/
1:00 reach security and as soon as I am instructed to raise my arms the pill hits.
1:05 get through, feels like I have given birth or been through some life changing event I am so happy to be through security.
2:0050 eat another and give one to my friend
2:30 dancing hard. My friend's eyes are sowed shut and his jaw is chattering to where I can't understand him. Lots of jaw clenching, lights look amazing, and taking to everyone I see.
3:00 ate plus/minus so will stop this report here.

There was never really a next day it just kind of merged into the night. Not a bad hangover


anchorman3 (member since August 10, 2014)

3 200+ mg pills in one night? chill out bro...

October 13, 2014, 11:14 pm GMT

peanut 801 (member since April 17, 2011)

^^^ agree with this Guy. You're fresh back to the scene and gonna burn up all the magic brotha. Take a break, before they break you homie.

October 14, 2014, 7:19 am GMT

h t i d (member since February 19, 2011)

damn son you guys must of looked so faced in there hahaha

October 14, 2014, 7:27 pm GMT

ranman (member since October 16, 2014)

I live in the wrong part of Florida. nothing around on Northeast Florida.

October 15, 2014, 11:06 pm GMT

dippi (member since October 13, 2014)

It's all good. I know my limitations. It was fun...A little excessive but fun. Yes I was hard at it. I was walking up to everyone. I shared twice more than I ate so that qualified it as a good night

October 21, 2014, 3:17 am GMT

lazermeth (member since October 8, 2014)

i saw this pill in my dream, i was breaking half of it and eating lol

October 21, 2014, 8:01 am GMT

fukn raver (member since April 25, 2006)

I pray these the nintendos and wbs make it to va its been 2years since I last rolled and im dieng to get a good bean!

October 24, 2014, 1:10 am GMT

xthec (member since September 30, 2014)

Tried these not to long ago very strong pills felt light as a feather once I came upp eyes were all over the whole night very hard to read or text and any light was giving me a show very fun effects I rarely get anymore,.. highly recommend

November 5, 2014, 2:03 am GMT

smuggler (member since December 28, 2014)

Had the pleasure of trying these, and they are the best press I've ever come across honestly. These are as strong as most legit dominoes. Took 1 and had the time of my life.

January 12, 2015, 5:20 pm GMT

socalogroller (member since February 2, 2015)

Sampling these bad boys tonight... I will post an update.

February 28, 2015, 6:50 pm GMT

misterkeating (member since July 30, 2014)

Took these last year @ HARD Summer 2014 and had the time of my life. I started with half and I always come up very quickly, so within 15 minutes I was feeling the effects. During the come up I had the regular effects of MDMA which are noise distortion, warm flushess, jaw clenching, cigarette cravings, waves of happiness, and etc. The intensity level of the come up was mild for me, but for others who took the same pill said it was very intense. Within an hour I'm peaking and I literally could not stop smiling and dancing. No tweaky effects, no anxiety, no bad side effects; which is a strong indicator that it is a very, very clean pill. The roll that I had was very clear-headed and I reached those moments of euphoric clarity at some points, if you know what I'm talking about. Everything felt amazing - I felt confident, happy, a little wobbly, and extremely focused on having fun. There were some times where I actually had to sit down because it was too intense, but I never felt out of control. Perhaps I was tired from partying the previous day, but who knows. I took another half later, but I felt like I actually didn't need to take it. The comedown was smooth, and I had 0 side effects the next day. I actually had an afterglow for the following week, but that actually happens to me quite often. Overall, I'm very impressed with these, and I have stocked up on some because I want to experience what I experienced again :). 8.5/10 for me. Be safe!

March 31, 2015, 9:34 am GMT

ninabutt (member since January 16, 2008)

Girl comes up to me says, what you dropin I said "bugatti" :p

May 28, 2015, 12:20 am GMT