Pill Report: Pink Superman
Pink Superman


Posted by
December 19, 2014
Date Submitted
Hey guys. This was brought under our attention by lurching from bluelight (thank you very much for the warning). Normally when a well-known pure MDMA pill is reported to contain something else all of the sudden, I'm suspicious. But in this case this is a news article published by a lab that does analysis of drugs, so I think we need to get the word out. I had to add I consumed the pill to make this report, of course I did not consume it, but I felt it necessary to make this report

They have tested a pink superman that contained a very high dose of PMMA (173mg) and amphetamine (10mg). As you likely know this is a potentially fatal pill. Please be careful. I really hope this is a single pill created to give the regular supermans a bad name and not an entire batch circulating. Please test every pill before you ingest it, as you see it's not because a pill is famous that it's always safe to take. The pill looks exactly like the well-known supermans except it doesn't have a breakline on the back, but it has the superman logo on both sides, so keep an eye out for this

This is a link to the news report (in Dutch): http://www.drugs-test.nl/

And here is a screenshot of the test results they published: http://i.imgur.com/JvnqotS.png
Last Update
December 19, 2014
Suspected Contents
User Report

Not consumed, had to put consumed to make the report


bluebull (member since November 3, 2012)

If anyone wants a translation of the news article just say so and I will provide one once I have the time

December 19, 2014, 5:51 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

Always that same color comin back in dutch pmma pills some bad pink/orange...

December 19, 2014, 8:18 pm GMT

depsychonaut (member since February 11, 2006)

Landelijk alarm Trimbos-Instituut vanwege gevaarlijke XTC-pillen http://nu.nl/binnenland/3957856/landelijk-alarm-trimbos-instituut-vanwege-gevaarlijke-xtc-pillen.html (via @NUnl)

December 19, 2014, 9:12 pm GMT

flyingpasty (member since December 23, 2005)

A well known Club in Manchester, England has posted a message on their Facebook page today warning people of this pill also. I know they have testing facilities on site and test drugs which have been put in the amnesty pins or taken off people.

I don't know whether they have tested this pill themselves and since provided the warning or whether their warning has come off the back of the same story.

Might be worth adding this same warning to UK section?

December 19, 2014, 11:24 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)

I agree about warning uk. This was a good press and atleast it is easily identifiable to the real ones with being double stamped and no breakline but personaly id avoid it like the plague anyway. From reports it seems there are still red and blue genuine ones about although it being and older press. Be carefull folks.

December 21, 2014, 11:51 am GMT

lizardron (member since November 8, 2014)

I wonder...who want to kill their clients?!

December 22, 2014, 11:29 am GMT

doubledropz (member since January 8, 2015)

3 Have been arrested & 4 People have died from these copy's :-(

January 8, 2015, 8:39 pm GMT