Pill Report: red UPS


Posted by
February 13, 2015
Date Submitted
this isnt really a report other than telling you they are about and showing the colours produced by the Mandelin

I used a EZ Test Kit for Ketamine, PMA/PMMA, Amphetamine and Ecstasy.

From clear to dark purple is Ecstasy and clear to dark red is PM(M)A but this test went straight to black... any answers on what you think they are?

Last Update
February 26, 2015
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Mandelin Reagent
User Report

*update* consumed, didn't take with intentions to give a report but only right to tell you the summary.

took half came up after about 30 mins later (got a low tolerance though)

went out into the cold, was rubbing my arms then suddenly couldn't feel m y arm, then couldn't feel my body. sat down for 10. then couldn't stop talking, feeling extremely happy, so happy I get back with my ex who is there with me (so says something about the intensity of the feeling)
takes other half, come up fully about 40 mins later.

show ends after a total of 5 hours.

get a cab home with 3 friends, got back to mine, talk about random shit on the sofa for a couple of hours, then fall asleep with ease

overall mad roll and strong beans!


oldschool71 (member since September 18, 2014)

Black = good!!

February 13, 2015, 6:58 pm GMT

billyb (member since July 6, 2010)

Haven't tried these new red ones yet but have tried most of the others from this presser and i don't rate them now. Last good one was the defqon,since then they have given me zero empathy. I've found the less well known pills are better quality rather than these mass produced crappie.
Yes these have loads of mdma in them but they use a different precursor and it shows.

February 15, 2015, 12:49 pm GMT

oldschool71 (member since September 18, 2014)

I like them. Had Dominoes, Heinekens and Gold Bars all apparently from the same presser and I love them. Just a matter of opinion I suppose...

February 15, 2015, 4:27 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)


February 15, 2015, 7:34 pm GMT

xtcpill69 (member since January 26, 2010)

My favourites from after the drought were pink squirells, orange qdance and purple playboys. Not to mention the mda capsules. I'm a strong believer in set, settings and surroundings

February 15, 2015, 7:45 pm GMT

tesk69 (member since August 18, 2011)

@billyb i agree with what you said. It seems to be a trending thing in europe, to use precursors with higher yields that produce mdma of lesser quality. You can notice a huge difference in tge smell too. It changed from a sweet appetizing oldschool mdma smell. To a more chemical smell. Kind of hard to describe, but its not the same.

And just like oldschool said black is a good sign.

February 15, 2015, 9:25 pm GMT

doofers (member since January 15, 2009)

i have a collection of pills from the 90s tested 3 of them today and all went purple tested todays pills tested black just goes to show that mdma is not the same as it used to be

February 16, 2015, 11:09 am GMT

neebor (Moderator)

Environment, people, society. This has all changed since the oldskool days along with maturity and mind set. I think this is a big part to play in peoples experiences. MDMA is MDMA. LSD is LSD. Etc. Etc. Etc... For me each pill is a hit or a miss. The yellow UPS being a miss although half the population think it was good. Must just be a fussy b*****d :) I look forward to these as I do like a new shiny press :)

February 16, 2015, 4:27 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)

@tesk69. I agree with the smell thing. Sometimes sharp sometimes sweet. I think some ppl have a knack for it like wine tasting???

February 16, 2015, 4:29 pm GMT

oldschool71 (member since September 18, 2014)

Ah, didn't realise Dominoes were from a different presser. What's their latest release then?

February 16, 2015, 5:13 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

I agree with some opinions over here. Most pills last years have dem up and down peaking. 90's pills got to a massive peak that stayed for a couple of hours without you need to take more...

February 16, 2015, 6:46 pm GMT

fan1984 (member since August 8, 2012)

True...ecstasy pills these days are crap! WHen im going to big events I dont even think to grab any mdma...pills just want me to sit:( Its not my tolerance coz i dont have any. I have not been using much in the past and now i rave like twice a year. White crown or white hearts completly blow my mind and body away in 2003...Miss those times:) Its something with the substance...mdma these days is synthezed difrently than back in the day

February 16, 2015, 10:59 pm GMT

thexperience (member since April 22, 2012)

For me there is no difference between the high I got back in 2000 and now .

massive peak = MDMA/MDA Combo

mix 80mg MDMA with 50mg MDA and you'll see ;)

February 17, 2015, 7:23 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for testing - Please no Presser talk (I have asked this a few times now - If you really want me to enforce this request then that's what will happen).


February 17, 2015, 9:46 am GMT

oldschool71 (member since September 18, 2014)

Sorry bear...

February 17, 2015, 3:28 pm GMT

fan1984 (member since August 8, 2012)

Sorry mr Bear:) And Thanks XP!!! I think MDA was that thing which is missing these days!

February 17, 2015, 5:27 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)

Sorry dude.

February 17, 2015, 7:40 pm GMT

liverpoolpr (member since February 25, 2015)

I have some of these for tomorrow night. I haven't got a test kit but will hopefully make a few notes and upload a report for you guys. Stay safe. Have a good weekend.

February 28, 2015, 12:45 am GMT

withoutab (member since April 25, 2014)

@bearlove i kind of dont get why people cant talk about pressers at all, could you perhaps explain it?

March 1, 2015, 1:14 am GMT

liverpoolpr (member since February 25, 2015)

I was going to write an individual report on these pills however the event I was going to had sniffer dogs on the door and we bailed. We tried the pills at home but I had a line of 4-mmc (mephedrone) prior to taking the pill as it was a consolation of losing 40 quids worth of tickets. I presume an individual report would not be appreciated after the inclusion of another drug. (mods if you want to move this you can)

I take a lot of pills, I know this is a harm reduction site and people should respect recommended dosages but I will compare these to what I would usually take. The other weekend I took 5 gold bars. However, I would usually take aprox 500-600mg worth of mdma over a night and then 4-mmc after the event and sit and chat. It is worth noting that I have taken a lot of substances and am aware of their effects (2c's, amt, dissociative's and a good selection of popular stimulant drugs) Also note that I have been using the same batch of 4-mmc after ecstasy use for a few months.

Also, the line of 4-mmc had worn off before I ingested the first pill. I am aware you are all going to say 'but other drugs are involved so there are other factors. However I thought it would be useful to share my experience.

I took a total of 2 pills and they hit me hard. But not in the sense that I had dropped a LOT of mdma. (ive done silly things like 300mg bombs to start a night so am aware of how that would feel). I recall my girlfriend asking me if i was going to have another pill after the second one and I said no because I was still coming up (1.5-2 hours after taking it). This is rare for me nowadays as I feel I come up, back down, look messy but still have the urge to redose.

I say I was 'coming up' for a very long time, but this is not really the case. It felt like a long consistent high. Not so much a building sensation.

Overall I took 2 pills and called it a night.

Once I was coming down I was sat in bed ready to sleep and told my girlfriend that the insides of her nostrils were blue and it looked like she was wearing blue eye makeup. I then noticed what appeared to be purple and green lights all over the walls and ceiling. The text my notice board was moving around and other strange things were seen.

I know this is very coincidental that all you guys are saying the good pills back 'in the good old days' of real ecstasy lasted longer and were a bit trippy. However, I thought it would be worth mentioning these things in a comment.

Whilst on the pills I did not feel like I had taken anything like 2cb etc and this would have come up in a EZ test. Is MDA a possibility here?

In summary

- Took 2 pills
- High lasted longer than pretty much every other pill ive taken in the last 2 years
- Saw strange stuff (mainly lights) whilst coming down
- Inclusion of 1 line of mephedrone about an hour before the first pill was taken (however ive been using the same mephedrone for months and have never noticed anything similar to what I reported... even when on various other drugs)

March 2, 2015, 2:35 pm GMT