Pill Report: Green Nespresso
Green Nespresso


Posted by
September 24, 2015
Date Submitted
So, apparently apart from first the black and then the orange nespressos, there are now green ones as well

They look exactly like the black ones (and probably the orange ones as well, didn't have those). Included a black one in the picture for comparison. Written on the back of the top green one is 'cosi', the other one says 'ristretto', like the other colours do too

Tested perfect with both mandelin and mecke (see picture). Sadly I'm out of marquis so only mandelin and mecke for this one.

No indication as to how strong but my mate, who I rely on when it comes to dose, says they are stronger than the black ones, so probably like the orange ones

Will consume this weekend and update with an experience report

Higher-res picture here: https://i.imgur.com/P5DtgvD.jpg
Last Update
October 3, 2015
Beveled (front & back)
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Mandelin Reagent
Mecke Reagent
User Report

Ok, so a little experience report. Going to keep it short because I hardly remember a thing off of one pill. I had fun but didn't particularly like these pills

T +0:00 Me and a friend each dropped a whole one
T +0:40 first effects, already lots of jaw clenching right from the bat
T +0:50 Fully up, sweating like I've rarely sweated before, it is pouring out
T +1:30 Dancing like crazy, but very monged out and hazy, remember flashes of fun, but no details

T +2:30 I have muscle spasms and am chewing a lot. My friend bit her lip so hard her lips were covered in blood. A bit in my own world, I don't really feel a push to socialize. My friend has the same, we talk to each other from time to time but most time is spent dancing

T +3:30 Starting to feel a decline. Decided not to take more since I was having fun but didn't feel like stretching it out. She felt the same way and decided to not take any more

T +4:15 Almost fully down again. Bit confused and sick to the stomach. Random waves of cold shivers

T +5:15 No afterglow, just feel drained and exhausted

Next day: Spent the entire day in bed talking and listening to music. Didn't eat for the entire day after and half of the next day. Lethargic but didn't feel bad or anything, just no afterglow. Feel the need to smoke myself stupid and give in to that need :D Trying to think on the night but it passed in such a blur that I hardly remember any details, just flashes. This after one pill, no I didn't particularly like these


wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)

If there the same as the black ones they will be shit was really disappointed with the black ones like

September 25, 2015, 8:30 am GMT

bluebull (member since November 3, 2012)

Yeah I know. Heard much better things about the orange ones, so here's hoping that these green ones are more like that than like the black ones. If I end up rolling this weekend I will let you guys know how they are

Yeah so apparently the green ones were exactly as the black ones are being described. They are clean, so if you can't find anything else you could buy these, but I would try to look for better pills

September 25, 2015, 10:54 am GMT

export1 (member since October 10, 2015)

These pills are the fakes ones! They grey ones are real, around 200 mg mdma

October 10, 2015, 3:05 pm GMT

flabbert (member since October 28, 2015)

i took a half at a time and ik have to say i thougt they were very good

October 28, 2015, 9:08 am GMT