Pill Report: Pink Red Bull
Pink Red Bull

East Central Scotland

Posted by
January 31, 2016
Date Submitted
Pink, very hard, with a few speckles in them (from the MDMA, I suspect). Supposed to be around the 200 - 220mg mark, which seems to be about right.
Last Update
January 31, 2016
Red Bull
7.0 mm
12.0 mm
45 Degrees
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Picked these up last week. These are allegedly from Holland. This won't be the best description you've ever heard, but I'll try. Had a few beers and some speed at 19:30. Dropped 1/2 of one of these at around 23:30, and it was on me in about 45 minutes. Crazy eye wiggles and euphoria. No jaw clenching at all (which is good). Dropped another half about 2 hours later, and I was very happily wasted until about 5 in the morning. Nice sleep afterwards. I'd recommend these. :)


neebor (Moderator)

They look well pressed. I hope they are as good as the original round orange ones.

February 2, 2016, 9:44 pm GMT

mothersuperior (member since July 29, 2015)

They are very well pressed, neebor. I didnt try the orange ones, so can't tell you, but these are good!

February 3, 2016, 11:52 am GMT

wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)

Press on these are unreal neebor , got some of these and some spongebobs unsure which ones to try this weekend

February 4, 2016, 9:21 am GMT

mdmjatoch (member since June 7, 2015)

according to dutch tc the spread is 200-225mg. I visited 2 days ago.

February 6, 2016, 7:10 pm GMT

smalltowncasual (member since December 25, 2015)

I got red bulls and Spongebobs too mcwizard... Always seem to have the same ones as you available at the same time... But my mates they had these said they are awesome

February 7, 2016, 9:55 pm GMT

wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)

@smalltown where you from mate ? Spongebobs are amazing had one at weekend while a was out , dropped a full one come up was hard hitting but also nice and smooth that might just be because I like hard come ups haha

February 8, 2016, 9:27 am GMT

puffs (member since March 13, 2016)

I am curious, you mentioned that you took speed prior to dropping the tab. Both MDMA and speed are from the class of amphetamines, and what I have learned is that speed and methamphetamines lower the MDMA euphoria high because of the cross-tolerance. I quit using both speed and meth because they fucked up my mdma high. Rather catch a great MDMA rush every month than to use speed and meth on a daily basis which causes psychosis, depression and really fucks up your life.

March 26, 2016, 10:50 pm GMT