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San Antonio

Posted by
June 12, 2011
Date Submitted
Hard pill, scored on the back. Very chemical taste. Chalky when bitten. Has crystals, but surprisingly no overwhelming aniseed smell. Has a pinky shade.

Sorry not to have a picture, ate all of them in a profligate night.
Question Mark
Sherbet Orange
5.0 mm
9.0 mm
Hard but Chalky
Suspected Contents
MDxx + Unknown
User Report

Picked up a large number for a relatively cheap price off a club promoter. I had not touched any drugs in 7 months but have a medium tolerance.

Sunday night

1700: Had 5/6 pints of lager before this on an empty stomach. Decided to bite a 1/3 off to check if it was active.

1720: Started to feel something positive. Tingly, warm flushes and raised heart-rate.

1730: Jaw tightening and become chattier. Emblematically speedy.

1745: Drop a whole one with my mate.

1800: My mate falls asleep, and am starting to really buzz hard. sitting by myself imbibing several beers and checking out all the hot girls by the pool, listening to trance and chain smoking.

1830: Buzzing hard, little euphoric. Excitable - speedy.

1900: Buzzing well and truly hard, still on the lagers.

1930: I wake my friend up to go socialise poolside.

1940: Socialising with some people and really gurning hard. My jaw had gone AWOL.

2000: Dropped the rest of the bitten pill.

2015: Dropped another half. Buzzing hard, having a great time. Drinking
beers, dancing to the music at the hotel's music.

2030-0000: Went really quickly. Talking to strangers, drinking irresponsibly. Having an awesome time. Was dropping a half every hour. Feeling a lot of empathy and a bit lovey dovey.

0000: Dropped a whole one.

0015 - Onwards: Remember only excerpts of the night. Running around the hotel like an idiot. Hiding from my mate on the top floor. Was completely fucked.

0600: Woke up on a bench in a strangers room, had some very abstract dreams. My pee was very concentrated and had pilly willy. This was the worst hangover i ever had in my life. I felt diabolical. I had far too much to drink and took far too many unknown pills.
I sat outside on a bench until 0800 hallucinating, it felt like a mix between ketamine, acid and speed. I was completely legless, seeing colours inverting, flashing, artwork everywhere. My heart was palpitating arrhythmically.

There is a similar pill described from San Antonio in a previous report. There was speculation that this pill did not contain MDxx, yet 2-CB, Piperazine or what not.

I think that these pills are an incredible buzz but the comedown is macabre and horrific, was very ill until about 1700. Bad thoughts, hallucinations and completely absorbed.


2 days after this.

I had gone to a few bars and was quite merry.

I sourced 1 pill which was identical to the batch that i had consumed the aforementioned night.

I was at a major Balearic club and a bit inebriated. Remembering the intense buzz from the previous night, I made the potentially risky supposition that reducing the dose would have less disastrous reverberations the next day.

I only dropped one at the bar while drinking an extortionately priced beer. Started dancing furiously as the music was great.

Out of nowhere 30 mins later my drunkeness transcended to a possessing buzz. I danced incessantly for 4 hours. There was a bit of euphoria, but i was sticking to water and i had an insatiable thirst. The music may have helped a lot. The morning after I was feeling a bit fragile, but no hangover.


In terms of a "get up and dance" buzz, i would give it 8.5/10, it loses points on its distinct lack of euphoria, however you love the music.

As a pill in general 5/10. Heavy gurning, massively dilated pupils, heart palpitations and a very adulterated impure feeling.

Do not take if you got things to do the next day - Do not take more than one if you decide to consume.

I have spoken to several people on E a few nights and they have all agreed that the comedown is unbearable for these. This pill is also kind of addictive and there is no real MDxx peak and redosing seems to be prevalent.


facedbeyond (Moderator)

sounds like pipes. pipes+alcohol is a bad idea, as if pipes werent bad

June 12, 2011, 5:42 pm GMT

danielone (member since April 18, 2010)

I got given a load of these last year, tested with no reaction on marquis... but alot of people sayin they enyoyed them.. it went sort of yellow on the marquis so could be mepherdrone/methylone or something else who knows

June 12, 2011, 6:11 pm GMT

horki (member since June 13, 2011)

Hey look them like this :

June 13, 2011, 3:29 pm GMT

partybeast (member since October 25, 2009)

@horki: these pills were a bit brighter, more orange. I wrote down what i was feeling on a report from a few years back and the pills look a bit similar. have look at the previous riddler report. nasty, nasty comedown but a fun buzz. did not like the hallucinations. i did do 5 overall the first night. never done mephedrone, but felt like it sounds.

June 14, 2011, 8:07 am GMT