Pill Report: Mortal Kombats (Red Dragons)
Mortal Kombats (Red Dragons)

North Lanarkshire Scotland

Posted by
November 3, 2013
Date Submitted
Not my picture but looks exactly the same. Smooth speckled nice looking pills. Nice and firm, sweet mdma smell to them.
Mortal Kombat Logo/Dragon
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Picked a few of these up for a Halloween night out. Night goes as follows;

8:00 Leave house drop first pill.

8:30 Meet up with mates for pre-drinks in a bar, can feel my self coming up so go out side for a smoke, coming up so quickly I was almost sick.

9:00 Jaw is starting to rattle cant keep still get a few more pints in

10:00 Jump in a taxi to head to the club drop another pill in the taxi friends take half each

10:30 Rolling balls now, loved up to hell but too fucked to dance. Chatting with mates half one with him

12:00 Cant see a fucking thing dancing away though with strangers loving it.

2:00 Starting to come down a little so drop last pill and a half

2:30 Shoot straight back up less dancy more floored.

4:00 Taxi time.

5:00 After a long night hit my bed still cant control my jaw

7:30 Up like a light bulb couldn't sleep still rolling a little bit 2 oranges and off to university. Not hungry at all just drinking lots of water.

Overall good pills, wouldn't recommend double dropping though come on like a fucking train after 30 minutes.


silentroller (member since August 18, 2013)

Hang on...you ate 4 Mortal Kombats over a night? Not being funny, but I once ate 2 MK's over a night, and it was too much!! I was ruined by the 2nd one, so how you could keep eating them, God knows!

Glad you had a good night :) I bet the comedown was shite though!

November 3, 2013, 1:11 pm GMT

yeahyouknowme (member since November 3, 2013)

been coming down for 3 days man...

November 3, 2013, 7:35 pm GMT

silentroller (member since August 18, 2013)

I feel your pain. I remember feeling REALLY low the following week after doing 2 MK's. Basically, the rule I stick to is no more than 1.5 maximum of ANY of the 200mg bangers. 1.5 of less coupled with a 3-4 month break inbetween each use seems to leave me with no comedown :)

November 3, 2013, 7:55 pm GMT

york25mb (member since September 28, 2013)

I had one of these in glasgow a few months ago. Glad to see theyre still going about. Top quality pills, best roll ive ever had. still they have quite a bad comedown. Dont have a clue how you managed 4, I was rolling balls after one

November 4, 2013, 11:58 pm GMT

mcwizard (member since November 26, 2011)

These are really terrible pills I think was high fpr half an hour and thts it

November 5, 2013, 11:39 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report - these set off a big debate. Yes they are high dose but are they a 'nice' pill?

You can check my posting history and I always ask about empathy / loved up - these don't make you loved up, just fucked !

(four :0 )

November 6, 2013, 10:17 pm GMT

yeahyouknowme (member since November 3, 2013)

I was loved up for the first 2 pills but i would agree after those i did end up just floored and semi-euphoric.

Take care man i still love these pills though.

November 7, 2013, 6:05 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)

It depends what you like. If u like feeling completly smashed and feeling like being hit by a freight train then these are the pills for you. The come up is hard and intense where as the after math I thought was very sociable and talkative. Everyones reactions are diffrent. Wizard a dunno why u dont rate these. Its the first pill in years ive never had to chase the buzz.

November 10, 2013, 2:24 pm GMT

swedgeliftssty (member since November 10, 2013)

Any chance you could send me a couple for testing these out??? (*mod reminder/warning - instead of just deleting this comment, i will leave it up as an example of what NOT to do on this website. there is to be no talk of sending, buying, or trading pills...for testing or consuming. PR exists only as a harm reduction tool for people w/o test kits to have some idea of what their pill contains. this is your 1 and only warning, next time youre permanently banned. - fb-mod)

November 14, 2013, 3:38 pm GMT

mcwizard (member since November 26, 2011)

@Neebor one of the only dutch pills I havnt really enjoyed

November 18, 2013, 1:55 pm GMT

pillperception100 (member since November 19, 2013)

Thought they were okay. Prefer the all stars and every other dutch one to these. Too up then down. After a good few felt like I'd had a lobotomy.

November 19, 2013, 2:37 pm GMT