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White Stars

San Antonio

Posted by
July 9, 2008
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club girl
Quite flat and wide.
Hard and smooth
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These pills seem to just contain speed. They are the nastiest pills I've ever had in my entire life. Three of us took them and they made us really antisocial and unable to talk to anyone else. After the club I took half a gram of ketamine, loads of weed, some valium and a few beers and I still couldn't sleep for 24 hours after I'd taken my last one. I've heard that some people like them but I wouldn't recommend taking them unless you have no plans to sleep for at least a day, I still felt terrible two days later - worst come down ever. I took them on the Friday and it was only the fact that I'd come to Ibiza for We Love that got me out clubbing on the Sunday.


easytiger (member since July 6, 2008)

Nasty. Guaranteed way to put you on a holiday downer.

July 9, 2008, 8:53 pm GMT

jesus (member since September 5, 2007)

Speed doesn't make you antisocial and unable to talk to anyone else. There was something else in it.

July 11, 2008, 9:48 pm GMT

sunsetter (member since February 29, 2008)

welcome to the vile world of mcpp,flush them down the toilet,

July 21, 2008, 5:05 pm GMT

pillmuncher123 (member since May 10, 2008)

These are in the UK atm, exacly how you desricbed them

July 29, 2008, 9:30 am GMT

mike2007brum (member since May 14, 2007)

tested them,,, straight to orange so indicates speed. Took them and i didnt get a good speed buzz, no wizz dick, i suspect they were mixed with something else, poss mcpp to fool the testing kit,, who knows,,, avoid,,, best pills are the pink hearts by a mile.

September 5, 2008, 9:24 pm GMT

gotda t shirt (member since March 6, 2008)


September 8, 2008, 1:12 am GMT

newmuncher (member since February 5, 2008)

Had these 9th Sept, from San An, horrible pill, felt awful all the next day, felt the same as the day after of one of those palm trees from UK, BZP/mcpp/piperazine. Do yourself a favour leave em alone.
Picked up some pills with an s with an underscore and 256 on other side, came up with the goods, made up for lost time with these horrid things

September 22, 2008, 11:37 pm GMT

mnmlr (member since October 1, 2008)

Total shit, got it from a guy at Bora Bora - don't buy anything there!

October 1, 2008, 9:43 pm GMT

bristol boy (member since October 2, 2008)

I will go along with everything said here they were f**king horrible didnt get a good buzz was just sketching out in Space closing party. had no chance of sleep i was led in bed for nearly 5 hours i was so tired but couldnt sleep, i was really on edge and couldnt stay in the same posistion for more than one min. and got up and had 6 pisses it was horrible! I would have said they were speedy definatley stay well clear.

October 2, 2008, 6:07 pm GMT