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Blue Fox


Posted by
August 25, 2008
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pills were thin....was sold as ecstasy, but when i consumed it it clearly was not mdma.. from searching many reports here, it's clear that foxes circling around b.c. to edmonton are foxy methoxy.
Fox (racer)
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consumed the pill thinking it was mdma.

i begin to panic a bit.. because i see some color disortion. then sound begins to get REALLY loud.. no mdma like feelings at all, and by then i realize this is not mdma. during the trip, i can recall EVERY single light to be so bright. even the smallest light possible to be extremely bright.. i also felt extremely bad body load. some stomach churning, and some color disortion. i also felt like.. WAVES.. we walked around, and store names were waving around.. very intense.

this drug makes me think twice before popping anything ever again. TAKE CAUTION!! I highly do not reccomend these pills if you think your getting ecstasy, ESPECIALLY if your a non-experienced psychedelic user.

AGAIN, these pills are 5-meo-dipt


redfox123 (member since August 25, 2008)

Sounds just like acid...

August 25, 2008, 4:14 pm GMT

rollinhog04 (member since January 2, 2008)

these were in little rock a few months ago. very fun pills if you like to trip.

August 25, 2008, 10:19 pm GMT

sjmd420 (member since May 3, 2008)

i had these in northern b.c. they are indeed some sort tryptamine, i took 2 thinking they were weak mdma rolls, boy was i in for a surprise, i tripped a straight 8 hours, it came to the point were i was laying in bed just trying to sleep off the effects, i think these are a mixture of 5-meo-dipt and speed, i could not sleep at all.

August 26, 2008, 5:14 am GMT

tabdat2008 (member since September 5, 2008)

These were in Little Rock a while back. These contain no MDMA or MDA. Its a chemical called 2-CB. Its more of a euphoria than just a flat out roll or trip. I was lucky enough to actually get some with acid on them and took 5 and went to a rave in an old theatre. I had a good time and unlike some rolls there was no headache, and it was easy to fall asleep afterward. 3/5 for me

September 5, 2008, 4:34 am GMT