Heard from different people that these were pretty good pills, so did them one by one.
Very long come-up. Around an hour before effects were noticeable. Euphoria didn't occur until the third was consumed. The high felt very solid though.
Ended up taking eight of these. Which is three or four too many pills, compared to similiar highs.
Visual and audial disturbances occured around the 7th pill. Shapes of persons appeared from objects outside. Trouble recognizing friends.
I'm not sure about the rating. Could be a 'MDxx Low', but people might disagree. Had worse, but definately also MUCH better pills - even at a much lower price.
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
eazeh tobeezie (member since August 4, 2008)
?. ur report makes no sense to me. sorry but u say its Mdxx med. and then suspected content were MDxx. But you had audial/visual hallucinations...
October 13, 2008, 10:31 pm GMTi know Mda/Mdma when takin in high dose causes slight ever so slight hallucinations...but not audial.
homie these had to be either ketamine/2cb based. and those are green gulls. the dove has the logo of the Dove soap logo...and sparrows are flying in the air..this is a gull fyi
knaller4life (member since October 12, 2008)
I'm sorry that my report makes no sense to you. I don't find it that incomprehensible though. I'll try to explain.
October 14, 2008, 12:22 am GMTSeen from the perspective of the strenght of each pill, i'd have to say that i still agree with myself on that point. I've experienced visual disturbances at as low as four pills of other kinds. These are definately not strong pills.
Audial disturbances is a very different thing in my opinion. The borderline for whether something you hear is real or just a hallucination can be very hard to determine. As well as the fact that i've only experienced the symptom while being highly influenced, causing my judgement to be 'a little' vague. MDA/MDMA, being a psychedelic stimulant, causes sences to strenghten, and this taken into concideration i don't find it impossible. I'm not the only one who've noticed audial side effects on pills - both with these and from other e's. To say that it doesn't occur on MDA/MDMA is a pretty solid statement. Do you have a source to back it up? (And to shut my mouth)
Of course i'm not saying that there's a possibility that these pills might have contained Ketamine or 2CB - i haven't had experiences with either of these psychoactives, so i wouldn't be qualified to tell anyway.
All three kinds of birds seem to be flying in my world. Not just the sparrows. As for the Dove logo, you got me. I remember the 'Blue doves', after you mentioning it. And after having a look at the profile of a gull compared to a sparrow, you prooved your point.
Hope this helped a bit, homie. If you still don't understand what i mean, feel free to comment again. English is my second language - just keep that in mind, if i make no sense at all. Cheers!