Pill Report: Mitsubishi


Posted by
November 20, 2005
Date Submitted
Picture is not from my pills but from some that look very similar from another report.

Pill color was white to greyish with brown specs/flakes in em. Crushed it made a very fine light brownish powder.
Unlike those in the picture the edges where straigh and didnt run down to the edges.
The logo and brakeline werent as deep either.
The pills had a worn appearance, bits and pieces missing from the edges.
They did not have a very strong typical XTC smell but did taste very bitter with a slight chalky aftertaste.
Mitsubishi carsign
Hard pressed pills
Straight edges
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Bought these on friday expecting them to be blue mitsu's. When i got home and took the baggy out of my pocket i was more then a bit worried (see this site's white mitsu reports).
After smelling them and tasting the chalky aftertaste i was sure these were gonna suck.
Took one at 21.20u around 22.00 i started feeling more active and my palms started sweating.
From that point on i progressively went from feeling em slighty to well fucked up. By 22.30 my vision was shaking i had ALOT of trouble texting anyone on my cell and i felt extremely euphoric and in the mood to go out.
At 02.00 i started coming down but i took at least another hour before i felt whatevers normal after XTC and weed ;). Till 02.00h i didnt feel any need to take another but by that time i had allready handed out the rest of my pills.(to much loved up feelings :) )
These arent as strong as the blue mitsu's but tbh i liked em better. I felt energetic but not to pumped i could make sense if i wanted , felt very euphoric and very loved up and they just kept on going.
+-120mg but thats just a guess, all i know is these pills hit my sweet spot.
I woke up feeling hungry extremely good and energetic (thats a first btw), i was out all day with friends today having a great time. I did however only took 1 pill so that probably had a pretty good influence on not having the usuall hangover.

note on user : i try to space my XTC use 6 weeks inbetween so my tolerance wont built up to much. Maybe some of the more chronic users wouldnt rate these as high MDMA, although one of the guys i gave 1 to had to puke and he said it was years since a pill made him do that.


synthesis (member since September 29, 2005)

Hoogstraten :)

Good report, how long d'you reckon 1 pill lasted you in total though, 4-5hrs? Those blue mitsu's are indeed strong but seem shorter-lived, even when only taking half or 3/4's.

November 20, 2005, 12:48 pm GMT

carlthebigmeanbunny (member since November 20, 2005)

about 4 hours before i noticed coming down, but the coming down was a slow process. With those blue mitsu's i always felt like i was suddenly dropped into reality again. These had a very nice afterglow to em.

November 20, 2005, 2:04 pm GMT

synthesis (member since September 29, 2005)

Yea very right about those blue mitsu's, same experience here :) Good pills it seems then when they last so long with a gradual comedown.

November 20, 2005, 2:26 pm GMT

mdmawannabee nl (member since November 29, 2005)

highstreet :D

November 30, 2005, 10:28 am GMT

luigi (member since December 22, 2005)

sometimes i prefer different comedowns with cherries I get a surge of energy or something from my head to my neck and it I can hear the same noise i hear when im yawning sometimes my ears pop like when im on an airplane and in a flash i have come down but with a sort of airy head glow, its depressing when it happens so sudden but it can be better than sitting around for ages grinding away with the weed only giving short relief but with blue d&g and tridents i get lots of the energy surges and go through periods where im normal all of a sudden and im pissed off that its over then 10minutes later im back up again and this can go on for hours and sometimes i still get the teeth and always have a shitty next day until i start munching on the fruit :P

ps. I only puked the first time i tried e's and a cuple weeks ago with cherries which shocked me but it was a good feeling when i was throwing up

December 23, 2005, 1:54 pm GMT

fooraap (member since December 16, 2005)

gij ze ok van de kempen e? kome gij nooit nie in de site??
want dan moogde der zo wel is een paar meebrenge, want kvin alleen nog ma rommel pille hier voortaan...grtz

January 6, 2006, 12:32 pm GMT

padoflash (member since February 6, 2012)

yow effe en vraagje waar kan je die pillen hallen want vind alleen maar kut pillen tegenwoordig grtz

February 6, 2012, 3:08 pm GMT