Pill Report: White Triangular Mitsubishi
White Triangular Mitsubishi


Posted by
November 29, 2005
Date Submitted
well-pressed pill, nice dose, get them while they last I'd say
Mitsubishi dus
White & brown speckles
3.0 mm
10.0 mm
Smooth & glans
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
Marquis Reagent
Simons Reagent
User Report

I first got the chance to try these during the summer, dropped a quarter on an outdoor party.
After half an hour I felt waves through my body, bit of trembling and a slight uneasy feeling which disappeared quickly when it kicked in 15min later. Not that much energy, but lots of euphoria/social contact seeking/everyhting is oooh sooo beautifull, you get the picture ;-]

I took a half an hour later, right before we left cause it started raining. During the trip home by car it became more of an inward trip with some pretty strong hallucinations. Also my body was feeling heavy and my eyes turned every direction. My friends also didn't talk that much, we were just sitting in the car and enjoying the high.
Comedown was not too harsh, had a good sleep.

Although I'm pretty sensitive to pills I normally don't go this good from 3/4, so I suspect these to be at least 120mg MDMA and no/not much other substances..

A few weeks ago I met a guy on a party and he fixed me 50 of these so I guess they are still in the running..


the reeferman (member since September 30, 2005)

We had these sometime ago in Holland. Very nice pills, here they contained 130mg MDMA, good quality, and they smelled like aniseed or how do you say it in UK. Hope for you guys there that the blue ones reach you, they're MAD!! (180mg)

December 1, 2005, 4:01 am GMT

synthesis (member since September 29, 2005)

Sound like good pills, how long would you say they lasted though? The blue ones I'd say are quite strong but shorter-lived. Oh and what place/province is bxl in Belgium :p (edit:/ ah I guess you mean Brussels)

December 2, 2005, 7:03 pm GMT

elstinky (member since November 28, 2005)

The high stayed for about 3.5hours from what I remember, also, most of my friends took one to start with, and didn't drop any more for at least 2 hours after they kicked in.. so it's not too bad I think.

and bxl means Brussels indeed ;-]

December 3, 2005, 10:24 pm GMT

raveteef88 (member since March 16, 2006)

i didnt like the blue ones.. I like the white ones better.. i didnt feel enything after 3 hours, and i toke 2 of them :S
The white ones i feld it directly after 15 min.

March 19, 2006, 12:57 am GMT

plopje (member since March 3, 2007)


March 3, 2007, 11:10 pm GMT

knaller (member since June 19, 2007)

i had these a year ago and i think it contains also schmeck and other substances, crazy hallucinations

June 19, 2007, 12:02 pm GMT