Pill Report: Krzyż / Cross
Krzyż / Cross


Posted by
January 15, 2009
Date Submitted
Bardzo Dobre Kolka!!
Last Update
January 18, 2009
Krzyż / Cross
Okragly / Round
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Bardzo dobre kolka, jak narazie najlepsze, ktore konsumowalem. Bardzo niedobre w smaku szybko sie rozpuszczaja bania wchodzi po nich do 30 minut. Bania bardzo fajna poniewaz koolka posiadaly w wiekszosci MDMA. Totalna ecstaza ;) NIe naleza one do bardzo mocnych kolek ktore zamiataja z powierzchni ziemi bania wchodzi po nich lekka lecz bardzo fajna ;) ocena 10/10 !! jezeli ktos ma do nich dostep brac garsciami ile wlezie ;)

Very good wheels, as if the best that I ate. Very bad taste in the rapidly dissolve Phase shall consist of one to 30 minutes. Phase very cool because the wheels have the most MDMA. Total ecstsyy;) they do not belong to a phase shall consist of the light but very cool;) 10/10 rating! if someone has access to them to take handfuls;)


rahim (member since April 17, 2007)

Jesli to sa te ktore mielismy w 3City no to zajebista sprawa,najlepsze kola jakie w zyciu szamalem.

January 15, 2009, 9:45 pm GMT

patrykg (member since January 15, 2009)

Gosciuniu, nie wiem skad masz takie kulki ale ja tez chce;] o tych krzyzykach byl juz raport, wzialbym z 100:p

January 15, 2009, 10:54 pm GMT

pdowns (member since December 13, 2008)

Yea these are great rolls and thats my pic just wondering why theres a warning on these. Guess I better learn polish huh?

January 15, 2009, 11:24 pm GMT

xtcloveya (member since September 18, 2007)

english !!!!!!!

January 16, 2009, 12:44 pm GMT

dropson (member since May 22, 2008)

chemi: masz do nich dostep? :D

January 16, 2009, 2:52 pm GMT

nonname (member since July 6, 2008)

Po hooy dajesz na czerwono (ostrzezenie), skoro nie zawieraja zadnego gówna, tylko MDMA?

January 17, 2009, 4:20 pm GMT

glowstaff (member since December 25, 2008)

All foreign languages can be translated using an appropriate translator site.
It may or may not be a full translation but atleast you should be able to get most of what is being said.

January 17, 2009, 9:29 pm GMT

lawlerz (member since July 16, 2007)

why is there a warning on these?

January 17, 2009, 9:33 pm GMT

pdowns (member since December 13, 2008)

^^Thats what I'm saying these are bangin rolls for sure.

January 18, 2009, 2:25 pm GMT

mirako26 (member since February 28, 2007)

the people above are DEALING ADMIN!!!!!!!!

Thanks Mirako26 (appreciated) - I deleted the posts instead of showing them as banned! Private contact details will result in an immediate ban - reports without an English translation will be deleted!

January 18, 2009, 7:35 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Effective immediately, www.pillreports.com will be an English only website. This is an effort to keep down on unauthorized personal contact and to allow for others to read reports worldwide. As of May 4, 2008, reports made in any language other than English will be deleted.

Please do not make us enforce this simple rule! I know that translation tools are available but Im not going to start translating all comments and posts.


February 3, 2009, 1:31 pm GMT

mr sir (member since April 25, 2007)

They are around here in Germany (Berlin) too. But in my opinion they can't be rated as MDxx High. Better MDxx Low. I also doubt that there are 50-60 mg in it. Would rather estimate something around 40 :-)

February 7, 2009, 12:49 pm GMT

lockgroove (member since February 21, 2009)

yeap i have seen these also in Berlin... and my guess is that tehy are MDxx Low... double drop at least!

is there any good pills in Berlin at the moment at all? or is it all mcpp and/or low MDxx

February 21, 2009, 12:16 pm GMT