Pill Report: Fox racing ?
Fox Racing ?

Montreal, Quebec

Posted by
January 18, 2009
Date Submitted
Not a big pill.

It's a hard pill. Doesn't fizz on the tongue. Has a bit of a speed smell to it.

It's got a beveled edge around the pill, it has an inverted Z on one side and an inverted fox racing logo on the other side.

Pics front :


Side :


Back :

Last Update
January 22, 2009
Fox / Z
8.0 mm
4.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
User Report

Bummer, there e pills.

Regular MDMA effects. 2 of my friends are rolling good and I just took a xanax to take off any e effects. MDMA's lost all of it's magic on me and I just get tingling hands and feet so fuck it.

They've got some speed in em to so that's why there's a warning.

There not pipes, decent rolls for all you candy kids on here.


cubesxx420 (member since May 20, 2008)

dipt?? really.. someone needs to bring these around me..

January 18, 2009, 11:41 pm GMT

aaaasdf12 (member since January 19, 2009)

why u call it fox jumping? it looks to me like that rolling stones sign, lips with that mick jagger tongue sticking out .

thanks for posting, i'll look around.
i still don't get it how you prefer speed over e... i like speed the day after, but primary effect, just doesn't do it for me

lol, the z on the back is from zzyxz

January 19, 2009, 1:58 am GMT

higherlogic (member since July 12, 2007)

Look CLOSELY, the pill rolled a bit to the side when I took the pic but look closely and you'll see the fox.

Looking at the pic for a while can make it appear like a bunch of things though I just realized.

I used to LOVE E until it lost it's magic on me and now I hate it cause it does nothing but make my hands and feet tingle. Back in my rolling days though MDMA was the BOMB. Ive always liked speed and I'll always prefer it over anything else but MDMA was the damn best thing next to speed for me.

January 19, 2009, 2:04 am GMT

aaaasdf12 (member since January 19, 2009)

you have seen the blue route 66 around?

January 19, 2009, 2:07 am GMT

aaaasdf12 (member since January 19, 2009)

if i rotate it looks more like Yeti thinkin a plan of action ...lol
acctualy is not that rs logo, i see now in your pic something like a 'nose'on top of the 'lips'.
looks a little like that orange dolphin at ecstasydata.

glad to hear bout good pills

January 19, 2009, 2:11 am GMT

subaruwrx (member since April 17, 2007)

definetly is an inverted fox racing logo

January 19, 2009, 5:25 am GMT

gremlinskill (member since July 23, 2008)

totally meo-dipt nikname is foxy chek ecstacydata

January 20, 2009, 12:36 am GMT

higherlogic (member since July 12, 2007)

It's not " Foxy Methoxy " . Ive done that beautiful substance a lot of times and I would have rather that then MDMA.

They were MDMA and Speed which kinda surprised me.

January 20, 2009, 6:06 am GMT

zzyzx (member since September 2, 2008)

Keep in mind that as with 2CB, 5-MeO-xxxx are awfuly rare substances and most often sold as what it is to small groups of connaisseur people

Would be surprised that it was what you had

January 21, 2009, 1:43 am GMT

higherlogic (member since July 12, 2007)

No No the ones in the past were. These were not.

Ive done all those different drugs all on there own plenty of times. I know how they feel and what they do.

2CB isn't really all that rare now a days. Ive seen it in some pills though not THAT many it's still out there.

January 21, 2009, 2:41 am GMT

cubesxx420 (member since May 20, 2008)

i want foxy, so bad

January 21, 2009, 3:10 am GMT

kliqua (member since December 4, 2008)

Je suis de la rive sud... ca fait longtemps que je regarde tes posts, on a souvent la meme chose. mais la moi ca fait dure... j'avais la pjc, mais depuis les fetes j'ai une merde ronde, blanche, tres dure, flat des deux cote... Comment peut on se parler, je suis aussi sur bluelight.

January 22, 2009, 4:52 am GMT

higherlogic (member since July 12, 2007)

Est ce que to parle Englais? Suis pas tres bon sur lecriture Francais sur l'ordi :P

Est ce que il y a un "logo" sure le speed ou Ecstasy ?

January 22, 2009, 6:02 am GMT

ravenousblonde (member since October 1, 2005)

I'd trust what higherlogic was saying here. They know their stuff. Thanks for the report, I changed the rating to adulterated based on the amp content you describe. ~R*Mod

January 22, 2009, 10:57 am GMT