Pill Report: Cupid


Posted by
June 24, 2010
Date Submitted
Sold as MDMA.
Last Update
June 24, 2010
Angel with a little heart
3.0 mm
8.0 mm
Smooth and soft
Suspected Contents
Piperazine + Another
User Report

I was told these were MDMA. I crushed one on an empty stomach at 3:13, 3:2x stomach feels weird (thought it was the burp when it kicks it, i was mistaken), 4:00 stomach is okay and i start to feel rushes of hot and cold, some sweating, a lot of energy but no trips or visuals. 4:30 I crush the second hoping to enhance the dose, 5:10 no trip but a lot more energy expressed by dancing. excessive smiling (dont know why), very mild visuals.

7:30 am I manage to sleep without any trouble. No aftermath no bad mood the next day no loss of appetite, luckily nothing!

Going through the other users report I noticed I have had one of the best -of worst experiences-! Maybe different batches containing different doses, be careful and enjoy the island!

p.s. The seller claims that the source is Liverpool.


bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Shit - bad sign seeing these in Ibiza :(.

Thanks for the heads up - Im really surprised you didnt know these were off just by the smell of them :0

Im not sure if your in Ibiza on holiday or live there but could you tell me if you can buy test kits overthere?


June 24, 2010, 6:56 pm GMT

xtcpill69 (member since January 26, 2010)

These things have made it over there what a shame these are dirt things I would reccomend avoiding if you are wanting to enjoy yourself I think I would rather go to the dam than ibiza

June 24, 2010, 9:58 pm GMT

ecsplosiv (member since June 19, 2009)

The dreaded, insidious blue cupids, they get everywhere... like a (very) bad smell they don't sod off

June 25, 2010, 1:17 am GMT

muttonchops (member since August 19, 2008)

scallies selling shite pills. The saga continues

June 25, 2010, 9:05 am GMT

dalek (member since September 6, 2007)

havnt seen test kits for sale over there, i brought my own the last two years

June 25, 2010, 1:18 pm GMT

max2007 (member since September 30, 2009)

I tried them as well and indeed you really smile a lot with them for me they last much longer with a strong happyness effect I guess it depends on the people or most likely from the dosage I believe based on the effects that these are TFMPP and BZP based pills.

June 25, 2010, 4:50 pm GMT

hmeilan (member since August 25, 2008)

They did not smell anything, and my nose was saturated with sweat and smoke from smoke machines and tobacco in the club, and restrooms did not smell any better either. When i crushed the taste was a little chemical but nothing anyone cant handle without making funny faces.

I live on the land and this was a one day trip that I decided upon on short notice, did not have time to look around on the island. It was my mistake! I wouldn't call this specific incident a market failure :)

anyway don't underestimate the island, i've seen A LOT of SUPER HAPPY people on the dance floor! Things in Ibiza remain way better than Madrid.

Testing kits can be ordered online and can be shipped anywhere in Spain, you wouldn't have any trouble picking it up or having it dropped off.

June 25, 2010, 4:51 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

^Thanks for the updates - Ive heard that things are really good this year, Really pleased as Im on the way over in September:)

June 26, 2010, 7:03 pm GMT

doctor b (member since June 30, 2010)

@Bearlove: I also come the first 2 September weeks


June 29, 2010, 10:24 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

^Have a look on bluelight in the Ibiza chat section and check the Ibiza pill thread Ive started

I thought it would be good to copy all the pips going around at the moment and the decent pills onto one page so people can print it out and take with them etc.

I have removed the link you left - it contains legal highs/seeds etc that we dont allow on the site.


July 12, 2010, 2:10 pm GMT