Pill Report: Green Star
Green Star

All over the island / Ibiza

Posted by
August 15, 2010
Date Submitted
fluffy little kitten
Bright green, crumbles quite easily and the dye from the pill easily stains lips, teeth, tongue, fingers, etc.
Last Update
August 16, 2010
5-point star, breakline and letter R on back
Green with purple speckles
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Got these delivered before heading to a club. Had seen previous reports on Pill Reports about them so was very happy to get my hands on them! Had a light snack in the afternoon then proceeded to get pretty drunk before heading to a bar then a club about 8pm - this was the first proper night out of our holiday so wanted to take it easy and not eat too many pills and ruin myself for the rest of the week. Took a half and within about 20-30 minutes it hit me pretty hard. I was talking rubbish and gurning like mad - I don't normally gurn much but I caught sight of myself in the mirror and was quite shocked! I felt pretty sick and my friends said that I was quite quiet after the initial come-up. I remember being rather confused - I remember hearing different tunes but couldn't remember which room I was in when I heard them. The following night we went to another club and I decided to take the pills in quarters. It felt great and I took less than 2 pills all night (between 1am and 6 am) It felt like a totally different experience as I was more clear-headed but still felt a bit sick when I was coming up. Had 2 nights off then really went for it the night after...had virtually no alcohol...and it was a MUCH better experience. Felt really great after less than one pill, and totally amazing after one and a half...got the usual eye wobbles, tingling sensation, had a feeling of well-being but not of total euphoria. Couldn't really be bothered to chat as just wanted to enjoy the music. Everything looked really clear and could see halos round lights. No sick feelings at all, which makes me believe that these pills should not be mixed with too much booze! Ended up having three in total, which kept me going til very, very late! Didn't really need to take that many. It's been almost 3 days since I last took them and have had no real comedown which is great news!
I would definitely recommend these pills-they are not the best I've ever had but they are still really good- but if your tolerance is low, like mine was after not having had any decent ones for a couple of years, then do them in halves or quarters and don't get wrecked on booze beforehand!
Oh, and one other thing - having a shag on them is really nice :o))


ecsplosiv (member since June 19, 2009)

I was going to write a report on these today but no need now we have this one! Feel free to use my test picture @ http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/7679/img1243w.jpg -- Key points: *The test reaction was very weak * The pills did not smell sweet at all for me * they gave many of us a dodgy stomach/sick feeling although this was probably due to drinking dodgy water in amnesia because it wasn't always present * Personally I noticed a very long time to come-up on these pills * ones I got (in PDB) had black and white specs, almost couldn't make out the star on some of them * our experiences on these were absolutely amazing although my tolerance hindered it slightly for me, my friends faired even better * I had a really bad comedown off these, but my friends didn't have as bad as me --- laterz! xxx

August 15, 2010, 2:05 pm GMT

the sea urchin (member since October 1, 2008)

I really dont rate these pills. No empathy, No body rushes. Just eye rolling and skattieness!

August 15, 2010, 2:28 pm GMT

ecsplosiv (member since June 19, 2009)

I had plenty of empathy on these pills. Mr. urchin -- you got your pills from the UK so they are a different batch for a start off. PDB ones are probably about 100mg clean MDMA. I would say MDXX Medium, possibly borderline high. By the sounds of it the OP has low tolerance.

August 15, 2010, 2:38 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report - sounds like you had a fun time.

I cant wait to get over there, I want to try these so much :D

(added the photo but removed the test results- thanks)

August 15, 2010, 5:08 pm GMT

fluffy little kitten (member since April 3, 2009)

Thanks for adding the picture - these look like the ones we had. Forgot to add that I had no problem sleeping on these either...still feel knackered now I'm back home though!!

August 15, 2010, 5:24 pm GMT

jcranny (member since September 2, 2008)

I have a feeling these are all in the same ring as the diamonds and the facebooks, and going further back, rolexes. First the rolexes, facebooks, then the diamonds, and now these... But seriously these don't do it for me, either the batch I had is weak.. cause everyone is banging on about how power these are, but they test kind of weak, and look like they got more colorful bits in them than necessary. Dont get me wrong, they fuck you, like moshy mdma, but just not intense unless you bang 2 down to make it intense. I had 2 diamonds (my personal favs) and the colors was alot whiter than normal, (normally purple light pink, all speckled) double dropped and after 1 hour I completely lost the plot. cant remember shit and what i can remember was intest being off my tits. Plus the diamonds are soooo lovey. But these just dont do that lovey feeling, they just make you fucked and moshy wired.
The only reason I speak like I do is because ever since the 2009 drought I stock up on each type of pill i can find these days. :-) Cant seem to find mandy yet, just pills

August 18, 2010, 6:21 pm GMT

jcranny (member since September 2, 2008)

Im chatting shit really, I just seem to find the diamonds hit me better every time rather than these, and i've eaten a fair few green stars. Diamonds any day for me. Plus the locals I hear are calling these rock stars (think they might have made it up but who knows, i just know these as green stars) Enjoy them if you get em, but haggle for less cause I would say these shouldn't be £10 anymore, neither should any pill really!

August 18, 2010, 6:28 pm GMT

jimmyhillreports (member since May 8, 2008)

'But these just dont do that lovey feeling, they just make you fucked and moshy wired'

I have had these in England, and I totally agree with you. They get you fucked-up, but not loved-up. I think they are a combination of MDMA + mephedrone, and the mephedrone is ruining the MDMA-high. I have sent one of them off to the EcstasyData.org lab for testing, and I expect they will publish the result within the next 2 weeks.

Are you on Bluelight, jcranny? - there is a big discussion on there about the contents of these pills (my Bluelight name is 'MDMAhead').

August 18, 2010, 7:21 pm GMT

ecsplosiv (member since June 19, 2009)

You got some support there MDMAhead! Who knows maybe you are right :) As I said on BL, I got a few weird things on the comedown that I have never got with MDMA pills before i.e. what felt like vasoconstriction in the wrists.

August 19, 2010, 1:06 am GMT

derbylad87 (member since July 5, 2008)

definately different batches of these around, so even sending them to test centre wont be conclusive imo. good effort though you obviously care what ur taking and thats what its all about. on another note; blue vw's blow them all out the water - diamonds, stars, fb's whatever, the v dubs are 120+ quality mdma.

August 19, 2010, 4:31 pm GMT

brindle88 (member since April 5, 2010)

I have just come back from Ibiza and can 100 percent confirm there are different batches of these. Some where completely hard and some where crumbly. I tested all stars me and my mates got ( I reckon 3 different batches) and all contained MDMA.

I rate all batches of the stars behind the blue and pink facebooks. All my friends confirmed this also. I also agree with the above discussions about these being dirty MDMA.

Pink facebooks are the best we found.

The volkswagon batches getting around Europe at the moment are very strong and clean. I found green vws in holland, that could knock a horse out.

August 21, 2010, 7:46 pm GMT

brindle88 (member since April 5, 2010)

I have just come back from Ibiza and can 100 percent confirm there are different batches of these. Some where completely hard and some where crumbly. I tested all stars me and my mates got ( I reckon 3 different batches) and all contained MDMA.

I rate all batches of the stars behind the blue and pink facebooks. All my friends confirmed this also.

Pink facebooks are the best we found.

The volkswagon batches getting around Europe at the moment are very strong and clean. Chase these.

August 21, 2010, 7:52 pm GMT

easytiger (member since July 6, 2008)


August 26, 2010, 6:48 pm GMT

warungbc (member since August 31, 2010)

Hello dears friends, I m living in Madrid, capital of spain, I went to ibiza las weekend (26 to 29 august).
I had a pleasure to try this pills, COMPLETELY WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE, i didnt tacke this type of pills for age!, 100 x cent extasis sensation!, I went to PACHA on friday, you can imagine : SASHA,SANDER KLEINENBERG, AND THIS PILLS, PERFECT NIGHT! TACKE CARE ALL

August 31, 2010, 1:52 pm GMT

warungbc (member since August 31, 2010)

Sorry, The pills that I has was the same of the photo, dark green

August 31, 2010, 1:53 pm GMT

mmrox (member since October 14, 2009)

are there different rules on PR europe discussion, compared to USA? i believe i have just seen unmoderated pricing and venue/event discussion so far... so who moderates this shit???

playful poke ;-) i'm only joshing...

plur to my people across the sea
you would be happy with mints too

September 2, 2010, 9:30 pm GMT

rockstarsbaby (member since September 15, 2010)

there are different batches i have just come back from ibiza for the second time in 2 months. Green rockstars are different from green stars and the batches are definitely varied. My experience first time was clean, nice lovey ecstacy buzz with no bad comedown, however when i returned after the raid took place in ibiza i took the same ones again and had a more dirty experience leaving me with a horrible comedown. The first batch which I tried where the best pills I have ever tried.

September 15, 2010, 5:13 pm GMT

bouncing raver (member since October 18, 2010)

the green rockstars i had about 2 months ago in ibiza was amazing!

October 18, 2010, 6:48 pm GMT

clubkid47 (member since September 6, 2010)

When I was in Ibiza August there was 2 types, light green ones and dark green ones. The dark green ones were much better. A few workers said don't get the light green ones! My experiences were good on the dark ones, they called them rockstars because of the R on the back and the star on the front. Green Stars & Rockstars are the same pill.

October 30, 2010, 11:26 am GMT

mcelroy420 (member since June 8, 2013)

first pills i ever tried, had the time of my life xD

August 1, 2013, 11:51 am GMT