Pill Report: ICE

new brunswick

Posted by
July 24, 2013
Date Submitted
This one has brown specs on them and the high is the same as the other good ICE thats aroung exept this one is more potent I find. Its also a little smaller then the other ICE. I like this one better ! Sold as speed and definitely feels like good speed!This ICE is also easier to crush with a bic lighter for snorting. I did not test theses so it could be anything. DO NOT BUY THEM AS MDMA !!
Last Update
July 24, 2013
White with brown specs
Suspected Contents
User Report

Snorts with a burn but the one I like ;) This ICE is very potent, alot more then the other ICE(the one with no brown speck)Burns alot more going up the nose !

This is some good speed if tweaking is your thing but use with caution very strong press even for someone who uses everyday.

Bought theses as speed and thats what they feel to me but it could be anything
else as I did not test theses!!


bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the warning :)

July 25, 2013, 11:14 am GMT

stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Gross !!!!!:(

July 26, 2013, 12:31 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

yummy ;)

July 26, 2013, 12:51 am GMT

chemically insane (member since May 13, 2011)

Thanks for the warning :)

July 26, 2013, 6:07 pm GMT

folley (member since April 26, 2011)

Nothing gross about speed IMO, as long as it's sold as speed. Seems these days you can't even trust a meth bomb though :P

July 27, 2013, 12:50 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

If you look at the pills I sent, once I pointed out clearly that there are bathsalts pills, the bathsalt pills went down in popularity and real speed pills came around. I think there are some kind of demand/supply about the prints and substances. Its not the first time in my life I feel I influenced the pressers. How about we ask for a logo? How about 3 type of pills? Speed, E, and BS ( bathsalts or bullshit depends of you )So I want those bullshit pills ULTRA COLORED is that possible? :P Dont be scared to use fluorescent colors and some airplane fuel or snake venom or just a living flying cellphone scooter elephant sperm whatever give it a ULTRA FLUORESCENT color. Keep them speed pure white and try staying in the ULTRA popular brand, stay away of the rare logo. Keep them pills round OR the ice but nothing else for speed. And them E shall be the heart shaped and different shape pills or different color. I call it, now lets wait some time and see the ultra fluo pills saying BATH SALT or ( RESEARCH CHEM ) research chem ahha, look like some study have been involved. some researches!! real inteligent researches for real inteligent people like us mofo gansta wanabe new yorkers from the bronx that actually think their black and ride a motorcycle for the rock machines omf omg whats all this shit FUCKING MONTREAL JUNK PEOPLE GET THE HECK AWAY FROM JOLIETTE.

July 31, 2013, 2:42 pm GMT

spintopless (member since September 7, 2013)

where can i get these iin new brunswick

September 7, 2013, 7:32 pm GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

dunno cant find them anymore, it sucks because it was a strong clean speed pill! stronger then the original ICE press. This press was made longer but less thick than the original ICE logo

September 14, 2013, 4:16 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

^would never say where I get my pills anyway.

May 26, 2014, 9:10 am GMT