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Orange Love Hearts

San Antonio bay

Posted by
August 9, 2013
Date Submitted
Wouldn't let me upload pic
Shape of a love heart and love stamped on one side
Love heart
Well made hard pill
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

First report so hear it goes

First night in ibiza and got to about 11:00pm me and my girlfriend decided to get a couple pills been told these love hearts were a good pill went to see lucky lucky man paid 20€ for 2 and funny enough were these love hearts

11:30 been drinking all day so we thought be carful and Halfed it sat on the beach front waiting

12:00 both looked at each other and could feel the warm tingaly feeling creeping up our backs really nice come up decided to walk along to the club we had bought tickets for and planned on spending the rest of the night there really chatty and laughing having fun on the way feeling the ibiza vibe

1:00am arrive at club starting to feel full effects now straight to the dance floor cant stop moving loose track of time next thing I know its 3:30am starting to feel sober straight headed again so we dropped the other half

4:00am same feelings instantly again a thought oh yess hear we go again just danced the full night away in an amazing venue with great music which made the buzz
More intense and better not a heavy pill at all next thing I know its 6:30am time to leave

6:30 me and my girlfriend still high so decide to go to beach with 4 cans each and sat there till 9:00 just drinking and laughing

No come down nice clean head no silly thoughts lol went home had a decent sleep ate well the next day overall great pill took many more later in the week


stereo mic (member since October 15, 2008)

I wouldn't rate these as high. A good medium.
Though I found the come up on these was pretty intense.

August 9, 2013, 4:21 pm GMT

a13xt3390 (member since August 9, 2013)

Yeah the come up was pretty intense and quick but like a said had been on the drink all day so not 100% accurate lol

August 10, 2013, 3:15 pm GMT

hobbesrabbit (member since October 17, 2010)

Looking forward to tasting this babies in a few days time. I will be testing and reporting (with pics), though, I think halves will be the best plan of attack as it has been a while for us!

Btw - it would be nice if you get hold of them again, to post a picture of them up. If you are still out there of course

August 18, 2013, 2:13 am GMT

darcha22 (member since July 13, 2008)

Lots of these about, have a nice few there for the week. Very easy to get decent pills in San an

August 18, 2013, 10:10 am GMT

clubber5 (member since August 19, 2013)

Fake..fake and fake..if the pills have been anything to do with mdma they are all long gone...everything is copied and sold as original..but without any desired effect..every and each pill I bought from verious sources have been love hearts also...look the same but are not the pupil dilation no euforia nada..only tired ,bored,,and ready go to hotel early..I suggest for everyone to bring your in Ibiza its all fake crap..wil spoil your holiday...

August 19, 2013, 2:07 pm GMT

muziclover (member since August 21, 2013)

Hi everyone! So going to Ibiza for the first time this weekend ( end of August)
Two main questions
1- where is the best place to find pills
2- what pill do you recommend the most?
We are only there for 2 nights so don't want to waste too much time

August 21, 2013, 5:48 am GMT

flyingpasty (member since December 23, 2005)

I had these when i was over there at start of the month, a friends brother is working out there so he was able to source these for me. He said these are the best pills of the season so far, supposedly high mdma content (i think he said they believed 180mg). Personally i took a half outside Amnesia and started to come up gently after about 25 minutes. A nice clean buzz but i personally said they were a medium in strength. To be fair we'd had a massive BBQ that night so was going out on a very full stomach!

Took a full pill a couple of hours after the original half, was loving the music but not completely spanked. Very nice buzz and no i'll feelings the days after. If i hadn't eaten so much i think these woudl have hit me harder and i'd definitely try them again.

@muziclover - what ever you do don't buy anything off the looky looky guys, it'll be shite and potentially harmful. Get friendly with some workers as they'll be able to tell you what's going about and what's good. They'll probably be able to source it for you too.

August 23, 2013, 9:56 pm GMT

muziclover (member since August 21, 2013)

Thanks ! I found some red love hearts in PDB which
were some of the best I have ever had!!!!! Amazing! Tested them beforehand and very rapid color change to blue/black. Def tastes strongly of MDMA Honestly wish I had more right now!

August 30, 2013, 2:37 pm GMT