Pill Report: Bitcoin


Posted by
March 10, 2014
Date Submitted
180mg MDxx
Last Update
March 11, 2014
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Yellow with white spots
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Geachte gebruikers/lezers,

Wij hebben zojuist Gele Bentley's getest; deze rijn rond, zo'n 4-5mm hoog en ongeveer 7-9mm diameter.

ZATERDAG 08/03/2014
22u00: 1 pil genomen met oasis, begon ook al erg te bruisen
22u25: het begin van klamme handjes...
22u30: begint al goed te werken...

* Beeld vertraagd
* Moeilijk kunnen focussen op 1 punt
* Mond niet kunnen stil houden
* Praten gaat ook veel sneller
* Mensen/dieren/voorwerpen graag aanraken en er van gaan houden
* Enorm veel zweten

23u25: We zij op ons hoogtepunt denken we.

* Tekst is moeilijk leesbaar (dyslexie-achtig)
* Geluiden en kleuren zijn echt nice en kleurrijk
* Stappen was bijna niet meer mogelijk

ZONDAG 09/03/2014
0u00: Gevoel begint lichtjes weg gedaan dus elk nog 1 genomen

0u20: 2de pil begint

2u30: Een halfje bijgenomen...

6u00: Effecten beginnen langzaam af te nemen

7u00: Zo goed als alles is weg, nu enorm moe...

9u00: Vriend naar station gebracht met brommer, zonder problemen

11u00: Thuis aangekomen en in menne nest gekropen

MAANDAG 10/03/2014
1u00: Wakker geworden, jointje gerookt

(Afkick) verschijnselen:
* Bibberen
* Mond doet pijn
* Spierpijn
* Licht in het hoofd

Dit hebben we thuis in rustige omgeving genomen, met goeie muziek en harde bass.
Ik heb me enorm geamusseerd en de rest van mijn volk ook.


Dear users / readers

We have just tested Yellow Bentley's , these are round, about 4-5mm high and about 7-9mm diameter.

SATURDAY 03/08/2014
10.00 pm : one pill taken with oasis , also began to really all effervescence
10.25 pm : the beginning of sweaty hands ...
10.30 pm : start working ... all good

* Picture delayed
* Difficult to focus on one point
* Mouth can not keep quiet
* Talking is much faster
* People / animals / objects like touch and go there for love
* Heaps of sweating

11.25 pm : We shall be on our peak we think.

* Text is difficult to read ( dyslexia -like)(wobble)
* Sounds and colors are really nice and colorful
* Steps was almost impossible

SUNDAY 03/09/2014
0.00 am : Feeling starts slightly off yet done so each one take another pill

0.20 am : 2nd pill begins

2.30 am : A half pil taken

6.00 am : Effects begin to slowly decrease

7.00 am : As good as everything is gone , now very tired ...

9.00 am : Friend brought to station with moped , no problems

11.00 am: At home and crawled into my bed

MONDAY 03/10/2014
1.00am : Woke up , smoked joint

( Withdrawal ) symptoms :
* Shivering
* Foot hurts
* Muscle pain
* Lightheadedness

This we have taken home in a quiet area , with good music and hard bass .
We have very ammused us .


mcwizard (member since November 26, 2011)

These are bit coins

March 10, 2014, 1:52 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

Changed name of pill to "bitcoin" from "bentley" to avoid confusion and help with the search function. please only do reports in english as the admins have made this an english only site now. - fb-mod...

March 10, 2014, 5:30 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for adding the name 'Facebeyond' - were actually ok with reports done where the OP adds a translation.

March 12, 2014, 7:39 am GMT

ectoo (member since March 10, 2014)

These pills are around 200mg

March 12, 2014, 12:48 pm GMT

soupdragon5 (member since February 1, 2013)

Alright folks, a question for all! Can having a bit of a sore throat and being knackered from working a lot in the past few months have any negative effect on my buzz? I'm planning to drop a few tomorrow night but feeling a little drained! Will I get the same buzz? Just want to know people's thoughts! Thanx. ;-):-):-D

March 13, 2014, 7:51 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

Yeah i know bear, i wouldnt have even mentioned anything if the translation were up at the time i said that. the OP mustve added the translation recently. thanks OP for adding the english for us!

March 13, 2014, 9:32 pm GMT

bumble beeees (member since November 29, 2007)

Have done these around 3 times and although they r a strong pill i think the mdma synth us quite poor no loved up feelings etc just a mong buzzy feeling with a bad comedown all 3 times i have done these i have felt terrible for days which i dont normally get.... Any1 else get that with these???

March 19, 2014, 2:12 pm GMT

alicedinwonderland2 (member since October 26, 2014)

Ziet er de moeite uit, ook van belgie precies :p lol
zijn deze mss nog te vinden in brussel?

October 29, 2014, 10:50 pm GMT