Pill Report: Yellow Tulip
Yellow Tulip

Helsinki, Finland

Posted by
August 10, 2014
Date Submitted
The pills doesn't have a breakline on them.

I am now 100% sure that there is at least 2 different batches of them and I got them in the same baggie. They are different sized, and there is a small color change.

Experienced suspected MDA + MDMA and I guess that could be right for the batch I first wrote the report of.

I think the other batch contains some kind of research chemical.
Last Update
October 27, 2014
Suspected Contents
Mdxx + other
User Report


I consumed one pill.

After 35 minutes I felt something but then It went away and I thought if the pill was too weak.

I didn't consume another pill, after 1 hour I can finally feel the comeup. It began slowly but in just a couple of minutes it was very intense and I felt a bit nausea. I just remind here that I took my last pill over 2 months ago so my tolerance is back to zero and I cant really suspect the amount of mdma in the pill because it felt propably stronger than it normally would.

I was peaking for almost 3 hours, it felt so good, totally loved up, my eyes were rolling all around and jaw clenching very bad and was sweating a lot, nice euphoria. I could only drink a bit water because I was afraid I throw up if I drink too much because of the nausea I had.

At some point during the peak I just started closing my eyes while dancing and I saw really scary stuff (eyes closed)! Something like me selling my grandma to satan to get drugs and money, naked dead men coming from a lost SAW (you know those movies) game and snakes just biting everyone to death.. It was very scary. And at some point I saw people (eyes open) and I checked another time and they werent there.

Anyways, I danced a lot it felt like I was one with music. It propably looked fucked up but I didn't care :D

Then I started slowly to come down, went to bed still rolling a bit and fell asleep. Woke up once because of sweating but slept for around 8 hours. Haven't noticed any next day side effects.

Definitely working pills, medium dose I think. But it felt strong with zero tolerance. It also felt like there was something else mixed with MDMA. Anyways, I liked. Thanks and be safe! I recommend to start with one.


I was afraid I would be too fucked up because of the last time with these pills so I started with a half. After 45 minutes I felt very little effect, almost nothing. I waited a bit and took the other half. After 45 minutes from that, I can feel the effects.

There wasn't really a comeup or comedown because they were so smooth I hardly noticed them.

The effects were a high boost in self-confidence and energy, jaw clenching and dry mouth. At some points I felt very depressed during the night. My mood went up and down. At some points I just wanted to lay on bed and I felt cold every now and then. The feeling was very clear-headed and only afterwards I could think that how fucked up I actually was. There was euphoria but it was hardly noticeable. Music sounded good and I danced very much on these.

The effects lasted maby around 2 hours and a mildly stimulated feeling for about 1 hour after that.


tekzor668 (member since July 21, 2014)

I think these are round 160, why not mdxx high? u rolled 3hours with heavy clenching and halucination, sound like mdxx high

August 10, 2014, 10:46 am GMT

jippijay (member since April 21, 2014)

MDxx High it is then :)

August 10, 2014, 10:51 am GMT

tekzor668 (member since July 21, 2014)

yeah like i read i would define mdxx high, u gonna test those tullips?

August 10, 2014, 11:13 am GMT

jippijay (member since April 21, 2014)

I don't have test equipment

August 10, 2014, 11:22 am GMT

fierceladyfin (member since July 27, 2014)

I'm pretty sure there are either two batches of these going around or that you've written a false report. These didn't give much of a "roll" to my friends, who experienced something very different from that - anxiety, depression etc. The fact that also my dealer pleaded guilty for selling crap pillz to me when I confronted him about these raises questions. Maybe I'm just being paranoid?

August 12, 2014, 1:30 pm GMT

anonys (member since June 5, 2012)

I think this report has either been made by a dealer as a sales pitch, or by an ignorant person.

August 12, 2014, 2:19 pm GMT

jippijay (member since April 21, 2014)

Well, Im just sharing my experience, maby Im more sensitive to mdma than you, and as I said I had over 2 month break. And I did have anxiety from the nausea and the closed eyes hallucinations or that weird stuff which can possibly be a result from research chemical. Anyways, the comment section is made to talk about the pills and different batches and I still have 4 pills left, so maby I should order a test kit and test all of them. Anyone else had positive experiences from these or should I add a warning?

August 12, 2014, 2:39 pm GMT

worldexplorer (member since August 19, 2014)

I want to share my experience, too. Only registered because I found this particular report. Since I took this pill, I want to know what the content might have been.
We bought them at Boom-Festival from a german speaking dealer, who told us that the pill would contain 120mg MDMA (that is his statement).
We were two people and both took two pills in total during the night. The first pill started very soon after consumption and it felt clearly like MD(MA/xx). After roughly an hour of dancing the usual slight color changes and the shining of the lights got more intense. It started to get a little visual. The visual effect was more than under normal MDMA influence, which is why I agree with the original report author, that there is some other unknown substance within the pill. Maybe some 2Cxx but that is only a suspition.
After some hours, I think it was 4 to 5 hours after we took the first pill, we took the second one. From there on, the MDxx trip got prolonged like expected, but the visual effects increased a lot. From here on I am sure, there has to be something different than MDxx additionally in the pill. I remember having had the feeling of beeing under something like a big tent, when we were walking through the night. I even tried to grab the roof once ^^
It definitely is a nice pill, but you should be carefull if you are sensitive to visual things. At least me and my friend had a visual experience that night.
Further I would be really glad, if someone had a real report about the pill and about what the unknown substance might be.

EDIT: the dealer had as well red pills with the same logo and form, he said they would contain the same things. We took the yellow ones.

August 19, 2014, 12:07 pm GMT

teemant (member since October 18, 2011)

Tried these in Tallinn, Double dropped and rolled good. Something was yes different with these, but sure it wasnt 2CXX, i have tried 2C-B pills, some other active substance mixed with mdma imo, but i liked it didnt floored me like pure pills does, little energy buff also. I would say mdma medium tbh...

August 21, 2014, 8:57 pm GMT

seanyd (member since August 29, 2014)

Irish guy in Helsinki. If anyone can hook me up it'd make my week!

August 29, 2014, 6:11 pm GMT

experienced (member since January 23, 2009)

This is MDA+MDMA. Rason they put it in the pill is because MDA is not cross-tolerant with MDMA. Thats why you roll so hardcore.

September 14, 2014, 8:26 pm GMT

naksutin (member since December 21, 2014)

I love this!

December 21, 2014, 8:51 am GMT