Pill Report: Pink Blank Mint
Pink Blank Mint


Posted by
January 15, 2015
Date Submitted
So I promised a couple months back on the forums that I would finally test one of these. Apologies it took so long! Never have my test kit with me, always forget to bring it. And since I haven't really been rolling at all lately, I haven't been picking any up for myself.

Firstly - apologies for the photo. I made a mess of that stuff the reagent tests are stored in, so those specks are all over the plate. Also my test kit is a liiiitle expired. So the results get a little muddled. Regardless it's still decent for detecting presence of mdma...and anything else that might be in there. So by all my standards (compared with non-mdma test results from my same test kit), these appear to be totally clean.

I know a lot of people who have been eating these, they all verify they feel clean. However I'm told these pills feel weak...but that's always been the case with mints imho. It's just more apparent now that we're all flush with euro imports.

I'd be interested to see someone with a newer kit test these if possible for a real verification. Otherwise honestly I'd even consider sending one over to ED just to see what's up.

They look like the new mints. Not as glossy as they can sometime be. But very well pressed. Convex and blank on both sides. A rich, deep pink in color. The photo makes it look a little more red but it's definitely a darker pink.

Weighs 133mg
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Marquis Reagent


xxxchaosxxx (member since May 7, 2012)

So to my understanding, mints have been on a hiatus. Now is that true or where they near impossible to find? Are these the new presses or what? Cuz if so, ill get back on the hunt. I kinda gave up around June. Lmk if you guys think there might be hope.

January 15, 2015, 12:21 pm GMT

clifford (member since November 28, 2011)

Honestly I'd totally given up too. I wasn't seeing any around ever (here in Milwaukee anyway). Then a couple months ago my buddy was like "oh yeah I can still can still get mints." And boom...these have been been around for awhile now. I'd say get back on the hunt and see what turns up...it seems like mints are back. Though they're the newer style ones, not the OG...not sure if that implies a new crew making them or just a new pill press from the same old crew.

January 15, 2015, 2:42 pm GMT

stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Thanks for testing if u didn't say your reagents were old I would say these r dirty as f*#& !

It nice to see mints popin up again! :)

January 20, 2015, 11:43 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

Heard of some plus signs and bowling balls, too. Could be dealer talk. Thanks for the report clifford....get some new reagents, we always enjoy your tested reports.

January 27, 2015, 9:39 pm GMT

livinglarge (member since March 25, 2013)

Waxys are just terrible.

January 28, 2015, 5:44 am GMT

rollin3333 (member since February 1, 2015)

Damn haven't been on this site in a couple years where have the mints gone?? Are there any good pills in chi

February 1, 2015, 5:12 am GMT