Pill Report: Domino

North West England

Posted by
March 20, 2015
Date Submitted
Nice press & shape with slit down back. Easy to break in half, easy snap, didn't crumble.
Domino spot numbers
9.0 mm
4.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

I'm an experienced user having taken pills since the early 90's. We've had some great pills in our area recently, the White Domino is an outstanding tablet.

8:30pm - Dropped a full pill (not advised for beginners!)
9:30pm - Not feeling anything yet.
10:30pm - Two hours in and only slightly coming up. Slightly concerned these are crap pills.
11:00pm - Holy shit, wham! That came from nowhere, like instantly getting hit by a baseball bat! Very, very strong pill. The peak is insane, massive eye wiggles can barely focus, head all over the place, very wobbly on feet, jaw clenched tight, amazing. Note to self take earlier in night in future!
11:30pm - OMG, the peak is super strong!!!
12:00am - Starting to level off, lovely buzz.
12:30am - Bam, as instant as it hits you, the same for the ending. Seem to instantly come back to normal. Definitely need more than one pill for the night!

Next day, completely straight, zero come down feel totally normal, which is amazing. I've had no come down with a lot of pills recently, I don't know why?. Jaw aching though.

To summarize:
Been told these are 200 - 220mg and are made by the Dutch crew and are a second press of the original white domino. These are very, very powerful pills, THE strongest peak I've had recently, definitely only recommend doing half to start if you are a beginner or have lower tolerance, be safe. Definitely comparable to 90s pills in terms of peak strength, though they aren't very long lasting, peak only lasted an hour and a half, experienced users will need more than one pill for a full nights raving! Also time the come-up to guage when to take next pill. Pill is a bit trippy (maybe because of strength?) full blown geometric patterns when you close your eyes, I don't normally get that with pills. Though I would say that it's not like lsd/shrooms, you don't get patterns/wavy vision with your eyes open. Do not miss out on these pills if you get the chance they are easily one of the best around :)


bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report and welcome to the site.

I don't know if these need a warning ? As you know a two hour come up - 2 hour high isn't the normal reaction with straight MDMA.


March 20, 2015, 12:37 pm GMT

gaztab75 (member since March 20, 2015)

I'm not sure, it wasn't a bad experience, far from it. I don't test pills so can't be certain. I would say the peak was extremely strong, like having my first pill again. So maybe it wasn't straight mdma, felt like the same buzz and feeling as mdma though, didn't feel speedy etc.

March 20, 2015, 2:45 pm GMT

limey (member since March 15, 2012)

It took me two hours to come up on a red UPS pill. Harder pressed pills take much longer to come up.

April 28, 2015, 3:37 am GMT