Pill Report: FM/YE


Posted by
June 4, 2015
Date Submitted
Beyler torbacima gittim iphone dedikleri bu dalgayi verdiler ilk almak istemedim facebook bulmya gittim ama kalmamis aksamda ferrari ve israil yildizi gelicek dediler bekleyemedim bunlardan aldim 3 tane ciktim.4 saat migdem.bos bir sekilde Saat 2:30 gbi hapi bilmedigim icin 1 tane salldim haplar cok sertti disinle kirmak biraz zor oluyor. 1 saat bekledim cok az biseyler gidikliyor ama yok glmiyor aradan 1 saat 15 dk gecti hap hissettirmeye basladi kndini ceneye vuruyor direk hemn arkasina iki tane daha yuttum 40 dk sonra dunyada yoktum.okdr diyorum size ilk bnm torbacya kufuru basmistm.ama sonra dua etmeye basladim uzun suredir bukdr yogun bir kafa ve hizli yasamadim oglen 2 bucukta basladim aksam 8 buck 9 gbi bitti dususlerde can yakici degil ertesi gun biraz zorlarsaniz yemk yersniz acilirsin oglne dogru hemn hap hizlida o kafyla mahalleye girdim etikt olduk zaten:) cekinmeden alin en az 3 adet tavsiye edyorum...

Gentlemen , I want to go to a dealer to get the first iPhone , they gave it my facebook dalgay they also took from them bulmy I tweet third one. Go for the jugular four hours 2:30 am idly GB pill on the first one I did not know I salle pills is a bit difficult to break the females were very hard . 1 hour waited very little accomplishing tickles but not the GL does not break 1 hour 15 minutes gecti pill is hitting feel to start was KND his chin direct choked two more on the back just 40 minutes later I say so loud I was not in my world you have received my first . I was the person swearing . but then I started to pray by the bukd is no longer a head and did not act fast, the son of two and a half I started in the evening as we ended up eighth decline in nine and a half is not hurting the ne
Last Update
June 9, 2015
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Pills are very nice. four pills I've had six hours of heads . You get clean hesitation in decline


euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)

Thanks for the report. As it seems, it has good amount of mdma. But the duration is too short for dropping three of them. Hope you enjoyed.

June 4, 2015, 12:28 pm GMT

ankarasekeri (member since April 27, 2015)

Ankarada pembesini yutmuştum trance bi şekerdi garipti ama güzeldi .


I swallowed the pink bi in Ankara trance he was cute, it was weird but it was good .

June 4, 2015, 1:50 pm GMT

italiano931 (member since June 27, 2014)

Take 3 of these yesterday, total Come up in 40 minutes. First 30 minutes was great but other time i dont undertand anything, no speed only trans Mode, Happy feelyngs and Love A bit, 3 hours duration, cant sleep.

June 7, 2015, 9:54 am GMT

bearlove1 (member since May 31, 2015)

The Description in this report needs to be in English - if no updates are received, user report completed - this report will be deleted.


June 9, 2015, 9:00 am GMT

deliko (member since October 27, 2014)

Fıs şeker mk 4 tane salladım bilo zirve yakalymdm, güzel diyenler hiç şeko atmamş galiba ayıkss, kırmızı kristaller felfena kayıp etmeyesiniz kurban ;)

June 15, 2015, 6:05 am GMT

olandanerdebiliyosun (member since September 9, 2013)

deliko moruk burasi sana gore bi yer degil vazgec buraya yorum yazmaktan

June 17, 2015, 1:41 pm GMT

hellwatchman90 (member since July 23, 2014)

@Deliko basladin yine sacma konusma tarzina her zaman ki gibi insani gicik etmekten baska yaptiginiz bisey yok.. sana eroinli hap versek patliyom dersin, biz begendik bunlarin kafasini sen begenmesende olur senin gibi muptezel degiliz keyfine takiliyoruz ayda bir iki haftada bir. Kim bilir sen.kac gun.ust uste patladnda ondan snra bundan attin yada baska seylerle karistirdin sekere bok atiyon 1 ay hic bisey kullnma sonra fmlerden 2+2 yap baklim ne oluyo allhin çakalı....

June 17, 2015, 3:10 pm GMT

deliko (member since October 27, 2014)

La fısosınız işte sıkocanlar kimse begenmdi bizim buralarda seviyeli kafa yoktr kapişş trapişş, hem bn şeko atmıyom oyle denk geldi kullandık gunohkanlar niye mupto diyon sebastian, gel bizim buraya susturayım seni arboooo 😘

June 23, 2015, 12:22 pm GMT

zuwzuu (member since December 21, 2014)

thx for report.

@hellwhatchman nice pills, late coming and fugitive head.min. 4-5 enough dose :)

@hellwhatchman mah.de''YEbeni'' diyolar değişik bi hayal güçleri var amk :D 1 aylık endf iyi bnm 10gün moruk ama bekledimden iyi çıktı :D

@italiano moruk geçen 2 tane pembesinden yuvarladım istedim tarz. aç/1.15dkk geç geldi banada.güzeldi ama en az 4 tane lazım :D amk yılbaşındaki üçgen mtshbhleri hatırlattı kafası

July 1, 2015, 10:46 am GMT

hellwatchman90 (member since July 23, 2014)

@deliko akilli ol aklini alirim senin gulduruyon beni:)) 1 kerede sen su siteye bi rapor koyda gorelim nasil bi seker alicaksin bizim aldigimiz butun sekerler fiso ya bilo bide sen on numara bi rapor yapta utanalim cano hadi bakalm kapiss trapiss:)

@zuwzuu galiba bizim buraya pembe fm dusmus dun haberi geldi bizim burda fmlere iphone diyolar ne alka anlamadim. Bi ara gdip bi bakicam

July 2, 2015, 2:42 pm GMT

yenino (member since July 15, 2015)

valla bana çok boş bir şeker gibi geldi bunu kırıp burundan aldım amfetamin içeriyor diye düşünmüştüm.

July 16, 2015, 12:11 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.