Pill Report: Domino


Posted by
November 20, 2016
Date Submitted

I totally dropped 3 of them. By the way, my initial dose was whole one over a half. They were hard pressed beans. 25 mins later, i began to feel effects but it was very mild. After 45 mins, i was getting really high. Not feeling comfortable at all. I mean neusea started and it seems hard to get rid of this feeling. 1h later, i started to being comfortable. All feelings are OK(Empathy, music appreciation). I suddenly decided to drop a half :D Feeling high times... 1 h later i dropped one more. It was an amazing feeling(speedy effect). I have randomly sat up and sat down and have urge to dancing.

They are good pills at all and one of the best i had ever done in this period(shitty pills going around). I don't have any idea about pink ones. Mines are all blue.


Toplamda 3 adet yuttum arkadaslar. Ä°lk 1 bucukla basladim haplar sert baski.. Yaklasik 25 dk sonra hafifden.yoklamaya basladi 40 dk sonra yukselmeye basladi ama inanilmaz bi skinti basti haplar skntili geliyordu bir sure sonra migde bulantisida basladi.. Sknti gitgide artiyordu rahatlamayi bekliyordum ve 1 saattden sonra rahatladim konusma istegi empati muzik dinleme istegi hepsi yerine oturdu hemen bi yarim daha yuttum guzel zaman gecmeye basladi.. 1 saat sonra 1 adet daha yuttum.baya hizlanmistim surekli ayaga kalkip gezme istegi dans etme istegi vardi.. Su bok zamanlarda yutulabilecek guzel haplardan arkadaslar ilk basta biraz sknti ve ara ara migse bulaniyor ben actim ondanda olabilir. Ertesi gun icimde hala bi enerji vardi ama vucut yorgunluguda vardi.. Iki gun sonra biraz dusus yasadim ama aksama dogru gecti vucudu biraz yoruyor ceneyide cok kastiriyor.. Bunlarin birde pembesi vardi ben mavi aldim.. Pembeleri nasildir bilmem..

Euphoria: 7/10
Jaw: 8/10
Empathy: 9/10
Sweating: 9/10
Pupils: 9/10
Music appreciation: 9/10
Last Update
November 21, 2016
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx High
User Report

Admin bi zahmet ingilizce ceviri yaparsan iyi.olur tesekkurler...


I forgot to add

Clean pills but according to dosage i had a hangover but it's not excessive(feel tired and my jaw was hurt)


italiano931 (member since June 27, 2014)

Bende çozdum iki hafta once,ama yutacak vakit bulamadım daha 😀

Ä° buy this 2 weeks ago too,but i dont have time to roll

November 21, 2016, 1:26 pm GMT

hellwatchman90 (member since July 23, 2014)

@italiano931 Yutacagin zaman once pembeyi dene nasilmis bizide bilgilendir pembelerini merak ediyorum:)

try pink some time ago you have to swallow

November 21, 2016, 3:15 pm GMT

asaprocky (member since January 13, 2016)

TR: bro bence domino serisinin en güzeli yeşiliydi hayatımın halüsilasyonlarını görmüştüm efsane mutluluk vardı bulursanız onu kaçırmayın pembeyle mavi nerdeyse aynı sayılır zaten.

EN: bro I think it was the most beautiful color of the Domino Series a hallucination I saw her in the myth of my life if you find happiness there, don't miss him, pink and blue almost the same kind of

November 21, 2016, 6:28 pm GMT

asaprocky (member since January 13, 2016)

Do not use the site to source drugs!

Uyuşturucu satın almak için siteyi kullanmayın

Banned / yasak

Bear / ayi

November 21, 2016, 6:47 pm GMT

istanbulext (member since April 2, 2016)

Dominoların iyisine hiç rastlamadım

I've never seen good Dominos

November 22, 2016, 6:33 pm GMT

ihtiyar (member since September 5, 2019)

telegram group link;; https://t.me/joinchat/GqiBzEVVTFIZU6xlirDY8w

September 5, 2019, 9:08 am GMT