Pill Report: Star


Posted by
November 26, 2016
Date Submitted
Haplar cok fazla sert baski degil idare eder..
Bought straight from the stars I saw when it was obvious that the old type was a good thing whizzing like no candy I've solved thanks to the already no free market is trying to bring the best in him where certain... Well, I tell ya what.. I started with 2 pieces of them very bad nor very good after half an hour it started to feel appeared to peak in 1 hour, but to me it wasn't... after 3 very satisfying 2 hours.I drank it with water and crush a bit and he raised Yue what to expect too much happiness out there too motivated if you throw straight's mouth is shifting the face of the label, FYI:) FYI Duos I've ever had. perhaps others will like it more, but in my opinion is mediocre...
Last Update
November 29, 2016
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Yildizlari gorunce direk aldim tipinden iyi bisey oldugu belliydi eski haolari andiriyordu sagolsun cozdugum.yerde hic bos seker yok kendiside en iyilerini getirmeye calisiyor piyasa zaten belli... Soyle soyleyim ne cok iyi nede cok kotu ikisinin ortasi.. 2 adetle basladim yarim saat snra hissettrmeye basladi 1 saat icinde zirveye cikti ama bni cok tatmin etmedi... 2 saa sonra 3.yu ezip suyla ictim birazda o yukseltti cok fazla bi mutluluk bklemeyin ceneyi cok kastiriyor agiz yuz kayiyor bilginize dsarda atarsanz drek etiket:) dusus hic yasamadim bilginize. baskalari belki daha cok begenir ama benm gorusum orta karar...

Euphoria: 7/10
Jaw: 9/10
Empathy: 8/10
Sweating: 9/10
Pupils: 8/10
Music appreciation: 8/10


rivaille (member since December 22, 2015)

Banned for ignoring the rules

Kuralları görmezden geldiği için yasaklandı


November 26, 2016, 3:51 pm GMT

harman (member since November 27, 2016)

arkadaşlar pembe yıldızlar iğrenç sadece vücudunuzu kasıyor,mutluluğu yok,kafası çok az, 48 saatinizi yemek yemeden ve uyuyarak geçirirsiniz,ben sizin yerinizde olsam tuvalete atarım.(arkadaşlar böyle boktan haplara iyi neden yazıyorsunuz?)

Friends pink stars disgusting just your body,No happiness, little head,
You spend 48 hours eating and sleeping,
I would like to place your toilet at your place(Friends, why are you writing such crap pills good?)googletranslete:)

November 27, 2016, 9:00 am GMT

hellwatchman90 (member since July 23, 2014)

@harman kardes iyi oku yazilanlari iyi yazmiyor farkindaysan beni tatmin etmedi demisim fazla bi mutluluk beklemeyin demisim midium demisim iyi oku! Ben senin dedigin kadar bi dusus yasamadim..
Sunuda belirteyim dun.baska bir arkdas ayni haplardan yuttu ama cok begendi bilmiyorum. Sahsen ben.bidahaki sefere aynisindan almam

bro good read, well written, you realize it doesn't say, I said ... I said Don't expect happiness didn't satisfy me all that much medium I said good read!

November 27, 2016, 4:08 pm GMT