Pill Report: Puma


Posted by
July 11, 2006
Date Submitted
To start with I will tell you why I've checked the warning box. It's not because I've had any bad experiences with 'em, more the opposite, it's because of the very strong effects. I've been used to pills for about the last year, maybe a little more, but I've never eaten a pill that gave so strong effects after only one.
So be careful not to eat a lot because you are used to eat a lot, because these MFs hit Hard as Hell!!!
Last Update
July 20, 2007
8.0 mm
8.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

I was sitting at one of my friends who had just bought about 100 pumas. He told me that the guy he had gotten them from, had told him that he should be careful and not eat more than one the first time.
So we sat down in his garden in the hot sun and took one each.
This was about 2 in the afternoon.
After only 20 minutes the first tickling began in the back of my head, and ten minutes later I began to feel the rush.
At about 3 I were in the seventh heaven. I didn't feel the precise same effects as with others pills. I felt much more happy and floating than with, fx. cherries, armani/euro, mitsubishi ect.
I cant really explain, but it was the best trip I've ever had with pills.
So there's only one thing to say: Try 'em!!! You won't regret it!


plac3b0 (member since July 10, 2006)

well thats great for you. I'm not trying to advertise for anything, I'm just telling how I've experienced these pills.
Because with a lot of the other pills I've tried I haven't got even close to the same feeling as I did with the Pumas.
So if you don't think that they're special, then just stick to the ones you are used to :D

July 11, 2006, 3:33 pm GMT

liquid211 (member since September 30, 2005)

To office2000: Maybe you should shut the fuck up. Apprently you have no clue of what kind of shitty pills we are getting in this little country. There can be several months between decent pills so maybe you just need to do a litte research before flaming someone. Goddamn moron.

July 15, 2006, 4:30 pm GMT

xerxox (member since March 26, 2006)

plac3b0 nice report man . I can by them here in belgium i hope that the come from the same batch .

July 28, 2006, 10:00 am GMT

plac3b0 (member since July 10, 2006)

to xerxox:
Thanks. I'm glad someone appreciate my report. If you get the same ones as I did, I'm sure you gonna have a VERY good time!

July 28, 2006, 6:48 pm GMT

kirmit (member since July 30, 2006)

Hey, I want some, Is anyone going 2 Florida soon? ;P plac3bo sold me. Hell yeah I want to know if there super killer before I buy, Thanx. I also liked how you made it stand out the way you did. Good job on your report. I just think That guy got his panties in a bunch because he's all up set to hear how good u'r results r, and can't he let u have u'r own PERSONAL page?- idiot!!! Maybe take some of these and lighten up. Party Safe ;>

August 4, 2006, 7:54 pm GMT

spiritz05 (member since September 12, 2006)

yea these r goooooooooooooooooooooooooood

October 30, 2006, 10:33 am GMT

fface (member since October 2, 2006)

mate has just got 50, looks like i will be consuming soooon...........

November 18, 2006, 9:40 pm GMT

stopher (member since December 18, 2006)

Jeez, can get more exited now. havent tripped balls since summer. But im back in a strong way and buying about 50 maybe more today with my friends and going to have fun i reckon after i read this report. ill come back to this tread ASAP !

Fuck hvor jeg glæder mig! Har ikk været på kiks siden i sommers. Men nu er jeg tilbage med stor stil og køber ca 50 (+) med et par kammerater og tror det bliver max fedt efter at have læst denne raport. Skriver snart på denne tråd igen og giver mit udsagn på hvor lam man bliver ! d(^_^)b

January 19, 2007, 1:14 pm GMT

cfcdk (member since August 8, 2007)

Er der nogle der kan skaffe mig nogle af dem?

November 3, 2007, 3:27 am GMT

gatibos (member since December 28, 2008)

These have a HUGE amount of MDMA in them !!!

367mg in each pill according to ecstasydata.com

Wish they made more like these!!!

March 23, 2009, 2:07 am GMT