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September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
these pills f-ing suck. very scetchy ingredients. the people who made them should not be allowed to participate on earth.

ok - the pills are blue like the carribean sea with very hard to notice white specks. they are beveled, flat on both sides, have no split and are slightly larger than usual. they are a really nice press but crumble easily once broken in half.

my ez-tester is, like, 2 years old and the fluid has a brownish hue. i tested some molly with it 2 months ago and it worked beautifuly. with these it took awhile, like 10 seconds + to get the dark purple. testing them again now it seemes like there could orange/brownish streaks but it's hard to tell since the liquid is allready brown due to being old (ordered a new tester allready). basicly when i originally tested them i figured they were really weak MDxx. the blue part of the pills did not react to the test.

well over 2 months since my last roll, i took one of these on an empty stomach. a hour later i felt restless and anxious and not much else. i tested them again, saw, after awhile, the dark purple i've grown to love over the years, figured they were like, 40mg MDxx, and only had enough in me to feel an initial come-on so i took another one. maybe 20min later felt something more - kinda good/kinda weird-antsy. i was thinking i was still at a thresh-hold dose, like 60mg or so, so i took a half. this brought my mood up - i felt good, i guess, but weird. i tended to focus on the good but this was not the E good. coke would've been much better. i was having fun but it was kinda scatterbrained and had no meaning. i was basicly f-ed up and somehow enjoying myself and ended up taking 2 more halves for a total of 4 and 1/2 over about 5 or so hours. an hour or two after taking the last half and kinda coming down i noticed there were visuals - MDA visuals. a few hours after taking the last half i realised i wasn't going to sleep that night and i didn't. about 12 hours after taking the last half was still getting visuals. by this point i felt fine - i mean i was tired and a tad brain-fried but felt ok - i actualy had dinner with my parents that night and all was realativly good. but now, 4 days later, i'm still not quite right. my brain is twitchy. i've been depressed all week. i haven't been feeling too good physically. after 11 years of using E these were the worst. my guess is shit-quality MDA + some kind of amphetamine + plus maybe some other crap.


i actually flushed all but one of the remaining pills down the toilet. the remaining one is being saved to send to when they hopefully get back up and running.

finally, writing this report and thinking back to that experience makes me feel... dirty. and violated.

be safe.
Left facing dolphin
Turquise blue
Round, flat, beveled, no split
Suspected Contents

1 Comment

clancy123 (member since October 1, 2005)

Pictures please,

I have something similiar, exactly almost except the white specs are very noticable. I can see the specs without even trying.

October 1, 2005, 4:03 am GMT