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White Zorro/Fox (Double Stamped/Stacked)


Posted by
February 2, 2007
Date Submitted
xhappy harcorex
Double Stacked pill with 2 logos on one side had a fox and the other had a Z. The fox was hard to see and kind of just looked like an indentation i've also been told its an arrow and another person said it was a 1.
Fox or arrow/ Z
Kind of soft and crumbly
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx High
User Report

feeling about 40 minutes later. Then after about an hour i started ROLLING MY BALLS OFF!!! tab i've had in months. My mouth was stuck in a smile position during the whole peak, my eyes were rolling around alot & saw incredible tracers. Lights were beautiful and I felt ontop of the world, major euphoria!!!

The next day i ate 1 at 7PM just swallowing it, then when i felt the comeup i snorted half and parachuted other half and the next day i rolled about 10 times harder...these are great rolls.

After my expiriences with it a friend told me they were very close to pure mdma maybe had a tiny bit of meth or some type of amphetamine cuz i did have trouble sleeping till about 7-8 AM on the first night but slept very very well.

Overall good pill to listen to music or go to a rave/concert. All in all INCREDIBLE pill.


househead420 (member since September 29, 2005)

sounds to me like you may have gotten a hold of a stray NUMBER ONE STUNNER. KILLER MDA rolls. there are still a few floating around the northeast.

February 2, 2007, 7:11 pm GMT

liquid arcadia (member since September 29, 2005)

I don't think so househead i've seen these pills before. Never injested but he described them correctly. I was tld they were extremely clean, pretty mild, and short. But in the end good pills. Maybe the poster has no tolerance.

February 3, 2007, 11:35 pm GMT

m3nt0r (member since February 1, 2007)

I was actually told they had cocaine as well as MDMA. My friend numbed when he had it.

February 5, 2007, 5:15 pm GMT

xhappy harcorex (member since February 2, 2007)

I dont think it was my tolerance...i have somewhat of a tolerance cuz i havent missed a week of rolling in quite awhile but the pills were pretty srong and everyone i rolled with loved them.

I was thinking the exact same lips and the front of my face got numb when i was rolling. When i actually dropped the pill i dissolved it on my tongue and my tongue got numb too.

This wasnt a #1 stunner cuz i used to eat those everyday for like 2 weeks about 4 or 5 months ago. However they are similar.

February 5, 2007, 8:26 pm GMT

e tarded (member since April 7, 2007)

I have these pills right now! Best e I ever consumed! I suggest taking 1/2's at a time. My friend took 1 and she was over the edge. I took 1 pill over the course of 4 hours and I was whacked for 8 hours!! Eat something prior to consumption. I just felt like sitting there watching a movie with a blanket. I was so happy I couldn't take the smile off my face. You might have to take a big shit after a hour or two. You know when the pill is reacting with you because you get uncontrollable yawns and teary eyes. But after those side affects you feel like a million bucks. Be careful fellow etards! Like with any drug you should take it in moderation. Everyone is different, my 1/2 hit me in a little over an hour, and my friend didn't feel it for almost 2 hours, but once it hits you and it will hit you it's like a ton of bricks! Any questions send a comment.

April 7, 2007, 4:50 pm GMT

clorox (member since May 25, 2007)

sound almost exactly like what ive been getting in new york

lots of visuals off these?

May 26, 2007, 11:11 pm GMT